This site takes critical look at the tourist potentials and destinations in Nigeria as a pillar nation in Africa. Over the years there has been a lot of misconception about the true Nigeria. I strongly believe that Nigeria is the most misunderstood country in the world today. All that has filtered to the outside world are negative news. However not many people know that Nigeria is a heaven on earth. The people are very very hospitable and lovable. There are so many interesting places to visit in this God blessed country called Nigeria. First of all lets take a glance at this great country and her journey to nationhood. Please know that this site is not a history site. We only want to let visitors know a little about this wonderful country Nigeria. As you know one cannot talk about tourism without a little history. Come inside with me to find out more.
![]() Nigeria history has always reflected rich folk traditions. Archaeological research, pioneered by Thurstan Shaw and Steve Daniels, has shown that people were already living in south-western Nigeria (specifically Iwo-Eleru) as early as 9000 BC and perhaps earlier at Ugwuelle-Uturu (Okigwe) in south-eastern Nigeria, where monolithic were used. Smelting furnaces at Taruga dating from the 4th century BC provide the oldest evidence of metalworking in archaeology. ![]()
The earliest known example of a fossil skeleton with negroid features, perhaps 10,000 years old, was found at Iii Ileru in western Nigeria and attests to the antiquity of habitation in the region.
Monolithic and ceramic industries were also developed by savanna pastoralists from at least the 4th millennium BC and were continued by subsequent agricultural communities. In the south, hunting and gathering gave way to subsistence farming around the same time, relying more on the indigenous yam and oil palm than on the cereals important in the North. The stone axe heads, imported in great quantities from the north and used in opening the forest for agricultural development, were venerated by the Yoruba descendants of neolithic pioneers as "thunderbolts" hurled to earth by the gods.
Kainji Dam excavations revealed iron-working by the 2nd century BC. The transition from Neolithic times to the Iron Age apparently was achieved without intermediate bronze production. Others suggest the technology moved west from the Nile Valley, although the Iron Age in the Niger River valley and the forest region appears to predate the introduction of metallurgy in the upper savanna by more than 800 years. The earliest identified iron-using Nigerian culture is that of the Nok culture that thrived between approximately 900 BC and 200 AD on the Jos Plateau in north-eastern Nigeria. Information is lacking from the first millennium AD following the Nok ascendancy, but by the 2nd millennium AD there was active trade from North Africa through the Sahara to the forest, with the people of the savanna acting as intermediaries in exchanges of various goods.
The evolution of modern Nigeria could be traced to the presence of the Europeans within the region from about 1849 until it attained independence in 1960. This is largely the story of the transformation impact of the British on the peoples and cultures of the region.
The colonial authorities sought to define, protect and realize their imperial interest in this portion of West Africa in the hundred or so years between 1862 and 1960. The British were in the Niger- Benue area to pursue their interests, which were largely economic and strategic. However, by about 1897 there were already two distinct countries known as protectorates. Theses protectorates existed as separate entities. In the process of seeking to realize their economic and political interests easily there were many unplanned-for by-products. The most significant is the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorate in 1914. This marked the birth of Nigeria state. It is pertinent to mention here that the name Nigeria was taken from the Niger River running through the country. This name was coined by Flora Shaw, who later married Baron Lugard, a British colonial administrator, in the late 19th century. There followed series of transformation.
On 1 October 1954, the colony became the autonomous Federation of Nigeria, Full independence was granted on 1 October 1960 under a constitution that provided for a parliamentary government and a substantial measure of self-government for the country's three regions namely the Western region, the Eastern region and the Northern region. The Yorubas dominated the western region, the Igbos dominated the eastern region while the northern region was dominated by the Hausa/Fulanis.
These ethnic groups represent 70% of the population. Another 10 percent comprises of several other groups numbering more than 1 million members each, including the Kanuri, Tiv, Ijaw, and Ibibio. More than 300 smaller ethnic groups account for the remaining 20 percent of the population. However, these groups are similar in nature, thus melting all the boundaries to become a huge group.
Most Nigerians speak more than one language. The country’s official language, English is widely spoken, especially among educated people. As a matter of fact, the 3rd largest English speaking nation in the world after India and USA. Apart from English, 400 native Nigeria languages are also spoken, out of which some are being threatened with extinction. Nigeria is the most populous country of Africa and seventh in the world. They comprise a population with the highest density in the whole world. People in Nigeria give great importance to religion. 48.2% of the population is Christian, 50.5% Muslim and the rest 1.4% is a mixture of quite a few indigenous religions. However, as Nigerian culture is multi-ethnic, there used to exist quite a few religions and deities.
To speak of Nigeria culture and art is to note a tapestry of traditions, customs, folklore, and on the same breath mention its dominance within the sub-Saharan region, and by extension the African context overarching it. Long steeped in a mixed lifestyle while being dominant during era of the various ancient Empires. In-spite of the many centuries of European incursion into their ways of life Nigerians sought to preserve not only their language but also all those distinctive markings of their culture.
Along the way, Nigerians have also embraced artistic, intellectual, and political movements taking place in other parts of the world, integrating into its particular context. Taken together, all of these influences have left an indelible mark on this great country, offering an impressive array of cultural manifestations with which to represent it.
Anyone interested in Nigeria or Africa culture and art will find no shortage of folklore and legends, music, films, art, and literature to give voice to the country, its people, and their concerns. To acquaint you with Nigeria culture, we offer you a small sampling in the following categories: folklore, legends, films, music, and artists.
No discussion of Nigeria culture can take place without a nod to the country’s folkloric traditions. From music, dance ensembles to festivals. Segments of Nigeria’s folklore are typically passed down from generation to generation, with each region maintaining its own flavor in the way of typical costumes, customs, dialects, and overall style.These folklore has helped shaped our society because of the rich morals and wisdom they teach. We hereby explore how this folk traditions which comes in form of fables has trickled down from generations is still alive and well in this modern-day Nigeria, and continue to receive widespread support. http://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/fssn/ . Most of the festivals, carnivals and movies in the country derive their story line from the rich reservoir of folklore.
Here is a typical Nigerian folklore.
The Pretty Stranger who Killed the King
MBOTU was a very famous king of Old Town, Calabar. He was frequently at war, and was always successful, as he was a most skillful leader. All the prisoners he took were made slaves. He therefore became very rich, but, on the other hand, he had many enemies. The people of Itu in particular were very angry with him and wanted to kill him, but they were not strong enough to beat Mbotu in a pitched battle, so they had to resort to 'craft. The Itu people had an old woman who was a witch and could turn herself into whatever she pleased, and when she offered to kill Mbotu, the people were very glad, and promised her plenty of money and cloth if she succeeded in ridding them of their worst enemy. The witch then turned herself into a young and pretty girl, and having armed herself with a very sharp knife, which she concealed in her bosom, she went to Old Town, Calabar, to seek the king.
It happened that when she arrived there was a big play being held in the town, and all the people from the surrounding country had come in to dance and feast. Oyaikan, the witch, went to the play, and walked about so that every one could see her. Directly she appeared the people all marveled at her beauty, and said that she was as beautiful as the setting sun when all the sky was red. Word was quickly brought to King Mbotu, who, it was well known, was fond of pretty girls, and he sent for her at once, all the people agreeing that she was quite worthy of being the king's wife. When she appeared before him he fancied her so much, that he told her he would marry her that very day. Oyaikan was very pleased at this, as she had never expected to get her opportunity so quickly. She therefore prepared a dainty meal for the king, into which she placed a strong medicine to make the king sleep, and then went down to the river to wash.
When she had finished it was getting dark, so she went to the king's compound, carrying her dish on her head, and was at once shown in to the king, who embraced her affectionately. She then offered him the food, which she said, quite truly, she had prepared with her own hands. The king ate the whole dish, and immediately began to feel very sleepy, as the medicine was strong and took effect quickly.
They retired to the king's chamber, and the king went to sleep at once. About midnight, when all the town was quiet, Oyaikan drew her knife from her bosom and cut the king's head off. She put the head in a bag and went out very softly, shutting and barring the door behind her. Then she walked through the town without any one observing her, and went straight to Itu, where she placed King Mbotu's head before her own king.
When the people heard that the witch had been successful and that their enemy was dead, there was great rejoicing, and the king of Itu at once made up his mind to attack Old Town, Calabar. He therefore got his fighting men together and took them in canoes by the creeks to Old Town, taking care that no one carried word to Calabar that he was coming.
The morning following the murder of Mbotu his people were rather surprised that he did not appear at his usual time, so his head wife knocked at his door. Not receiving any answer she called the household together, and they broke open the door. When they entered the room they found the king lying dead on his bed covered in blood, but his head was missing. At this a great shout went up, and the whole town mourned. Although they missed the pretty stranger, they never connected her in their minds with the death of their king, and were unaware of any impending danger, and were unprepared for fighting. In the middle of the mourning, while they were all dancing, crying, and drinking palm wine, the king of Itu with all his soldiers attacked Old Town, taking them quite by surprise, and as their leader was dead, the Calabar people were very soon defeated, and many killed and taken prisoners.
MORAL.--Never marry a stranger, no matter how pretty she may be.
Nigerian music like other African traditional music was highly localized according to the tradition and custom of the local people. Styles of folk music are related to the multitudes of ethnic groups in the country, each with their own techniques, instruments, and songs. Poly rhythms, in which two or more separate beats are played simultaneously, are a part of much of traditional African music. Little is known about the country's music history prior to European contact, although bronze carvings dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries have been found depicting musicians and their instruments. In Nigeria there are music for different occasions. There is music for rituals, social, festivals, etc.
A survey of Nigerian traditional music focus on the individual and collective functions of musical instruments, musical instruments as symbolic musical instruments identified with particular occasion. It explains the peculiar role of song texts as well as the different uses and functions of traditional orchestras.The very first fusion of Nigeria’s indigenous musical forms with Western civilization was as a result of its contact with the guitar. This was in the 1920s through sailors and Kru-men from Sierra Leone who played the guitar as an instrument of pleasure. Over the years, many more instruments were added. The professional approach has since been adopted to performance, and the music itself has evolved through various trends and complexities which in contemporary terms have continued to be propelled by high technological advancement.
Nigeria has been called "the heart of African music" because of its role in the development of West African Highlife and palm-wine music, which fuses native rhythms with techniques imported from the Congo for the development of several popular styles that were unique to Nigeria, like Apala, Fuji, Jùjú, Highlife, and Yo-pop. Highlife was however the early form of the popular Nigerian music Highlife of the guitar dominated type played at palm wine bars to provide background entertainment. Names like Tunde King in Lagos, Okonkwo Adigwe from Delta State, Ishie Brothers from the Eastern part of Nigeria, Apollo and Paul Ede from Edo State, among many others from the Southern part of Nigeria come to mind as some of the pioneers of palm wine Highlife music in Nigeria.
Following World War II, Nigerian music started to take on new instruments and techniques, including electric instruments imported from overseas became very popular in Nigeria, and elements of these genres were added to Jùjú by artists such as IK Dairo, Bobby Benson, Jim Lawson, Prince Nico Mbarga. At the same time, Apala's Haruna Ishola was becoming one of the country's biggest stars.
In the early to mid 1970s, three of the biggest names in Nigerian music history were at their peak: Fela Kuti, Ebenezer Obey and King Sunny Ade, while the end of that decade saw the start of Yo-pop and Nigerian reggae. Although popular styles such as Highlife and Jùjú were at the top of the Nigerian charts in the '60s, traditional music remained widespread.
Traditional stars included the Hausa Dan Maraya, who was so well known that he was brought to the battlefield during the 1967 Nigerian Civil War to lift the morale of the federal troops.The musical flame was kept alive by legendary singer and trumpeter Victor Olaiya (the only Nigerian to ever earn a platinum record), Stephen Osita Osadebe, Sonny Okosun, Victor Uwaifo, and Orlando "Dr. Ganja" Owoh, whose distinctive Toye style fused Jùjú and Highlife. However over the years there has been steady growth in Nigeria music industry and the reason for the tremendous growth today could be attributed to thirst for aesthetic and material success and a voracious appetite for life, love and music, and a huge domestic market, big enough to sustain artists who sing in regional languages and experiment with indigenous styles.
The genres of Nigerian music currently featured on Nigeria Music Network are:
AfroPop, AfroBeat, Highlife, Nigerian Hip-Hop, Nigerian Gospel, Reggae, R&B
Tracing the history of Nigeria film industry, her first contact with cinema was in 1903, made possible by Herbert Macaulay, a foremost nationalist who invited the Balboa and Company who was then doing an exhibition tour of silent films on the West African Coast to Nigeria. The films were shown at the Glover Memorial Hall, Lagos in August, 1903. The success of this venture opened the way for an influx of European film exhibitors to Nigeria. These films were highly censored by the colonial government who at this time showed a lot of interest in the production, distribution and exhibition. Initially these film were restricted within Lagos where they compete with concerts and drama shows. Gradually, however it fanned out to towns in the immediate hinterland of Lagos and beyond. As the country became more industrialized and urbanized, there was a need to establish distribution/ exhibition centers in these new areas and in no time, the branches of the distribution and exhibition companies had spread all over the country.
The first indigenous feature film that was produced in Nigeria: KONGI’S HARVEST. was however directed by an American and it featured many foreigners as crew members.
The earliest indigenous filmmakers are Ola Balogun, Hubert Ogunde Eddie Ugbomah, Ladi Ladebo, and U.S.A Galadima, Meanwhile, the Yoruba Travelling Theater practitioners were motivated by their audiences’ demand to do their stage plays to film decided to produce their own movies. Working with the legendary Ola Balogun and others, the Alarinjo theatre troupes made films include AROPIN TENIA, JAIYESIMI, IJA OMINIRA, IJA OMIRAN, OWO L’GBA etc all on 35 mm celluloid reel.
With the release of the box-office movie LIVING IN BONDAGE in 1992 by NEK Video Links owned by Kenneth Nnebue in the eastern city of Onitsha set the stage for Nollywood as it is known today. The film industry is the second largest film industry in the world in terms of number of annual film productions, placing it ahead of the United States and behind only the Indian Cinema . The largest in Africa. According to Hala Gorani and Jeff Koinange formerly of CNN, Nigeria has a US$250 million movie industry, creating some 200 videos for the home video market every month.
Nigeria is truly a country in the heart of Africa. Blessed with warm, sundry climate, with over 800 kilometers of fascinating beaches and evergreen vegetation in the South, while in the North, alluring land forms overshadows Savannah grasslands. It offers variety of ways on how to spend holidays and weekends. The country provides the best of both rural and urban life. Most of the country sides are still virgin and untouched by technology. If you are one of those who prefer rural holidays you can rent a cottage in the meadows under hills and nature at its finest. You can sleep in a tent in one of the campsites near our numerous beaches, lakes or dams. You can wake up under the stars and head for morning swimming in the waters.
There are mountains and aqua parks all over the country where you can relax or entertain. We advice you to visit aqua parks especially, if you have children as they can run about there and release all their built up energy. Travel to Nigeria has become very popular in recent times thanks to natural wonders that we have and low price of facilities on the other hand. Nigeria places are typical combination of African atmosphere with historical mark of each city or town. Many towns still maintain their ancient configurations where you can really touch the spirit of the past. Added to these are the interesting natural features in form of water falls, springs, hills, some mountainous areas with temperate like climate and a range of special and common species of tropical wildlife. These, coupled with wide market opportunities, diverse socio-cultural heritage that gives the nation its uniqueness and the hospitality of the more than 140 million people earn Nigeria the sobriquet, GIANT OF AFRICA. In view of the foregoing, if you are already in Nigeria or planning to visit here are some of the wonderful places to visit.
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Exterior view of Yankari game park |
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Map of Nigeria showing some tourist centers |
Yankari National Park located in the south-central part of Bauchi State, in northeastern Nigeria is a large wildlife park It covers an area of about 2,244 km² (870 mi²) and is home to several natural warm water springs, as well as a wide variety of flora and fauna. Its location in the heartland of the West African savanna makes it a unique way for tourists and holidaymakers to watch wildlife in its natural habitat. This wonderful park has rich wildlife resources.
The park play host to over 50 species of mammal including African Bush Elephant, Olive Baboon, Patas Monkey, Tantalus Monkey, Roan Antelope, Western Hartebeest, Lion, African Buffalo, Waterbuck, Bushbuck and Hippopotamus.

Yankari is recognized as having one of the largest populations of elephants in West Africa, estimated at more than 300 in 2005. The growth of the elephant population has become a problem for surrounding villages at times as the animals enter local farms during the rainy season.
There are also over 350 species of bird found in the Park. Of these, 130 are resident, 50 are Palearctic migrants and the rest are intra-African migrants that move locally within Nigeria. These birds include the Saddle-billed Stork, White-rumped Vulture, Guinea fowl, Grey hornbill, and the Cattle Egret.
Due to underground geothermal activity, Yankari National Park also features four warm water springs. The camp is named after the most well known of these, the Wikki Spring, from the local Duguri language with “Wikki” meaning “where are you?”. The Wikki Warm Spring is the largest spring and is about 13.0 meters wide and 1.9 meters deep.

It daily flows 21,000,000 liters of clear, spring water into the Gaji river. The spring has a constant temperature of 31.1°C through the year during both day and night and has been developed for recreation.
The other warm water springs are Dimmil, Gwan, and Nawulgo springs. A fifth spring, Tungan Naliki, is the only cool spring in the park

The park also has more than 59 caves located some 7 km north east of the camp. Other attractions are the hills, such as Kalban Hill – a flat top hill that enables tourists the opportunity to have a complete view of the park. Kanyo Hill provides a good view of the park and serves as a very beautiful picnic ground. Paliyaram Hill is a popular camp for poachers.
The Wikki warm spring, is open for swimming 24 hours a day. There are 110 furnished chalets with varying size and quality, ranging from the ‘’presidential’’ suites to the youth hostel, all of which are being upgraded regularly.

The camp also provides a restaurant, bar and conference center. Daily safari trips depart at least twice from the camp.The museum in the camp is well stocked with a variety of skins, tusks, bones and fully mounted stuffed game from the park. It is educational while also acting as a conservation center, displaying hunting gear and traps taken from poachers.
The Obudu Cattle Ranch Resort is one of the finest and most magnificent tourist destinations in the world today. Located deep in the tropical rain forest of Cross River State, it presents an area of idyllic tranquility and an enchanting scenery. With an altitude of 1,716 meters above sea level, the Obudu plateau enjoys a climate typical of the temperate regions of the world. It is the highest peak in the Cross River State. The resort which was established as a cattle ranch in 1949. It is about 332 km , which is about five hours drive from the state capital Calabar.

The ranch has a temperature of between 26 oC - 32oC between November and January while the lowest temperature range of 4 oC - 10oC is recorded between June and September. Obudu holds its annual mountain race in November for more energetic people with a cash prize attracting competitors from across Nigeria and internationally. Although visitors are welcomed all year round; the much best time to visit is October to February, when the flowers are in bloom, the sky is clear and the air is cool.

This is ideal weather for trekking over the high ground and enjoy the extensive views that stretch out across the plateau. This well known resort extends to the Cameroon border, at the base of the Sonkwala Mountains on the Oshie Ridge, 110 km east of Ogoja. The mountain ranges were first explored in 1949 by Mr. McCaughley, a Scottish rancher who camped on the mountaintop for a month before returning with Mr. Hugh Jones a fellow rancher who, in 1951, together with Dr Crawfeild developed the ranch
The Obudu cable car is one of the biggest attraction at Obudu. It is claimed to be the world's longest cable car system and it runs from the entrances of the resort at the bottom of the mountain up to the ranch resort at the summit.

It is always a delight going up the plateau whether you make it by road through the 11 - kilometer winding climb, with 22 breath-taking bends, or you take a princely, fairy-like ride in the cable car. The Cable car facility accommodates a reception hall which brings in the bulk of guests from down the hill.
Nature most times can be very generous. Just before you start the 11-kilometer climb up the Obudu Mountain, you may wish to take a dip in the cool, crystal clear waters at the Water Park, situated at the bottom hill.
Experience the thrill of state-of-the-art water slides and the relaxing effect of the Jacuzzi. It’s refreshing. It’s one of the numerous new innovations to
welcome you to the green hills of the Obudu Mountain Resort. Situated at the bottom hill.
There are different categories of accommodations in Obudu Mountain Resort. They include:
This is a cozy home-like feel of the Pine Lodges that’ take your mind far from the ordinary? There are currently 20 such with 3 en- suite rooms each equipped with a kitchenette and living room. So, be rest assured of its home away from home for friends and family.

The African huts give the Obudu Resort the look and feel of being in the safari.Take your mind back to the real Africa. There are 10 of them, each with two apartments.
Guest chalets at the Ranch are fully furnished with facilities like lounge bar, Restaurant, in house laundry and 24 hour security. Obudu Mountain Resort offers 116 guestrooms. Balconies open to mountain or garden views.

Select Comfort beds feature premium bedding. Televisions come with premium satellite channels. Coffee/tea makers are provided. Bathrooms include shower/tub combinations, makeup/shaving mirrors, and complimentary toiletries.
This Obudu hotel provides complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access. Business-friendly amenities include direct-dial phones. Air conditioning, complimentary bottled water, and welcome amenities are also included. Irons/ironing boards and hair dryers can be requested. A nightly turn down service is provided and housekeeping is offered daily.
Room Amenities
Premium television channel(s)
Coffee/tea maker
Daily housekeeping
Turn down service
Private bathroom
Complimentary toiletries
Air conditioning
Ceiling fan
Direct-dial phone
Complimentary bottled water
Coffee/tea maker
Daily housekeeping
Turn down service
Private bathroom
Complimentary toiletries
Makeup/shaving mirror
Hair dryer (on request)
Shower/tub combination
Welcome amenities
Iron/ironing board (on request)
Roll away beds
Blackout drapes/curtains
Satellite television service
Wireless high-speed Internet access (complimentary)
Sleep Number by Select Comfort mattress
Mountain view
Garden view
Obudu Mountain Resort has 4 restaurants serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Room service during limited hours is available.
A golf course and a water park with a water slide are featured at the hotel. 2 outdoor swimming pools are on site along with a children's pool.
Journey to Obudu by road from Port Harcourt is 8 hours, from Eket 6 hours, from Calabar is 5 hours and Enugu in 3 hours. The 11 km of unwinding road with its 22 bends make driving into the ranch quite exhilarating. One of the most exciting bends is the "devils elbow" which is half way through the stretch. Overall it could be a wonderful experience driving all the way to the ranch.
There is a shuttle flight mode of transportation from Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt via Calabar to Bebi. The airstrip now attracts flights. The resort also has shuttle buses belonging to the Cross River Tourism Bureau. Flights (Aero contractors.) depart from Abuja, Enugu, Port-Harcourt and Calabar on Friday to the Ranch and the return Flight from Bebi Airstrip on Sundays by 12:30 hr.
The Cross River National Park is one of the major national parks in Nigeria, located in Cross River State and is an integral part of the Cross River State rain forest conservation area, Nigeria. Located in Boki LGA and spans from Kanyan to the foot of the Obudu plateau with a total land area of 720 sq km of rugged mountain scenery and rolling hills. There are two separate sections, Okwangwo (established 1991) and Oban (established 1988).

Cross River National Park is one of the richest areas of tropical rain forest in West Africa. Currently, the WWF, the Nigerian Conservation Foundation and the Federal Parks Service are carrying out an integrated conservation and development project in the northern part of the park.
Parts of the park belong to the Guinea-Congolian region, with a closed canopy and scattered emergent trees reaching 40 or 50 meters in height.
The park has one of the oldest rain forests in Africa, and has been identified as a biodiversity hot spot. The terrain is rough and elevation rises from the river valleys to over 1,000 m in mountainous areas. Soils are ferralitic and sandy, and steadily become shallower with increasing elevation.

The Park is home to about sixteen rare primates which include common Chimpanzees, Drills and (in Okwangwo) Cross River gorillas, the gray-cheeked Mangabey, Gwantibo or Golden potto forest elephant, Saleginella specie. Baboons, Leopards, Red Foxes, Drill Monkeys, Buffaloes and Elephants are also found there. It also harbors a rich collection of flora and fauna. If you are fascinated by water falls, this is the place to visit. There are Kwa falls and Agbokim waterfalls in the park.
The Great Kwa River (also called Kwa Ibo River or Kwa River) flows through Cross River State, Nigeria, draining the east side of the city of Calabar.

Kwa River is where Kwa Fall cascades down resistant basement rocks, and is within the Oban division of the Cross River National Park.This spectacular fall which is along a narrow, steep gorge on the headwaters of the Kwa River is located in Anegeje Village in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State and its about 25 kilometers from Calabar on road.
A deep plunge pool forms at the bottom of the waterfall, which, is hidden under the thick canopy of the tropical rain forest.The sparkling natural waters eternally fall through the mounds of igneous rocks of tropical reminiscence.
Kwa Falls is characterized by its well arranged staircase of 234 steps from the plane down to the rest place of the cloudy waters.The nearby Kwa River Sand Beach is recommended for an afternoon’s peaceful relaxation.
The Agbokim Waterfalls is situated about 17 kilometers from Ikom and 315 kilometers from Calabar in the Etung Local Government Area of Cross River State. It is in close proximity to the Nigerian-Cameroon border. This close proximity to neighboring Cameroon avails travelers and tourists a unique opportunity for cross-border experience. The waterfall is made up of seven streams which cascades over steep cliff, providing a seven faced falls.

It is actually sits on the Cross River and descends in terraces, through the tropical rain forest. The rain forest in itself is scenic as it looks lush and green. The fall is also surrounded by steep hills and valleys which are enclosed in a very uniquely colorful atmosphere. A visit to this fall assures you of an amazing opportunity to witness the richness and natural wonders of Mother Nature at its finest. Also people living in Ikom are just 30 kilometers away; hence it is quite convenient to get to the road.
The waterfall has a very unique peculiarity about it as it appears as an amazing falling sheet of water and you are likely to go through the waterfalls on your way to Obudu Cattle Resort.It has been listed as one out of the 7 wonders of Nigeria project and it is highly recommended for picnics plus it offers the very best when it comes to places to visit for tourists.
The Chad Basin National Park in northeastern Nigeria, wihin the Chad Basin, has a total area of about 2,258 km². The park is fragmented, with three sectors. The Chingurmi-Duguma sector is in Borno State, in a Sudanian Savanna ecological zone.
The Bade-Nguru Wetlands and Bulatura sectors are in Yobe State in the Sahel ecological zone. The park combines the former Chingurmi-Dugoma Game Reserve, Gorgoram and Zurgun Baneri Forest Reserves, and Bulature Oasis.
The park is used by many farmers, grazers and fishermen. The flood-plain wetlands attracts waterbirds and other wildlife. The resident Black Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina) is abundant, but is considered vulnerable. The Helmeted Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) is also abundant. Demoiselle Cranes (Grus virgo) visit in the winter, as well as large numbers of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia).
It is estimated that there were about 100 elephants in the sector, which may still migrate to and from the Waza park. The Cameroon and Nigerian park authorities have been cooperating to prevent poaching of wildlife and to raise awareness among the local people of the longer-term value of conservation. There have been discussions by the IUCN over making the sector and the Waza National Park an internationally designated protected area.
One of the noticeable relics of the material culture of the ancient Borno Empire which is still outstanding is the Rabeh’s Fort at Dikwa. The Fort thereafter served as a Military Operational Base for the French, German and British Colonial Troops during the colonization of West Africa at various times in the early 1900.
The Park is globally significant for its bird life conservation. It contains some of the important wintering sites for Palearctic and Afro-tropical migratory birds most of which are rare and endangered. So far, well over 300 different Species have been recorded in the Park. Seasonally encountered in large numbers include Garganey, Pintails, Spur-winged Geese, Black tail Godwit, Glossy Ibis, European Stocks and variety of Waders. It is interesting to note that Chad Basin National Park remains the only existing stronghold of wild Ostriches and Giraffes in Nigeria. Traditionally, Ostrich is recognized as the flagship species of the Park which is indicated on its logo.
Gashaka-Gumti National Park (GGNP) is Nigeria’s largest and most scenic
of all the seven National Parks. It covers an area of about 6,731 km² and lies in the mountainous region of north-eastern Nigeria adjacent to the international border with Cameroon, and immediately to the north of Mambilla Plateau. Located in Adamawa and Taraba States, As a matter of fact, its name is derived from Gumti village in Adamawa State and Gashaka village in Taraba State and is also consisted of approximately 6,600 sq km of sheer wilderness.

The Park is contiguous with Faro and Tchabal Mbado National Parks in the Republic of Cameroon. The norther part of the park is Savannah, while the southern part has rugged terrain from about 300 meters (984 ft) up to 2,419 meters (7,936 ft) at Chappal Waddi, Nigeria’s highest mountain. It is an important water catchment area for the Benue River. There is abundant river flow even during the markedly dry season. Enclaves for local Fulani pastoralists exist within the park boundary that allow for farming and grazing.
The Park is home to some historic sites one of which is the pre 1918 German fort and garrison top of Gashaka Hill once used as a “ watch tower ” by the German military expedition to that area.

Graves of some fallen German soldiers could still be seen dotted around the Fort. Similarly, there is an English fort near Gashaka village built by the British Frontier Force who overthrew the Germans to gain the Mambilla pass(a narrow corridor that gave access into Cameroon through the Mambilla Plateau in those days)
Gashaka Gumti National Park is an ideal spot for sport-fishing, popular is the one at Mayo Kam near the Hippo-pool.
In the dry season the water is crystal clear and one can easily see different varieties of fish ranging from Tiger, Cat fish, Nile perch ,Tilapia fish gliding in the water.
Gashaka Sector of the Park has rugged undulating mountain terrains, excellent for mountaineering and cave exploration. It contains the highest mountain summit in Nigeria the “Chappal Waddi”, which literally means “ the mountain of death” standing at an altitude of 2,400 meters’ above sea level.
It is located in the Gotel mountain range. It is characterized by steep, forested slopes, deep plunging valleys, precipitous escarpments and swift flowing rivers, streams, hot springs, deep valleys, and waterfalls.
Gashaka Gumti National Park , wild and scenic areas are accessible only by footpath and only by trekking can one savor the tranquility through the forest canopy

,rare fauna, crystal clear forest streams, waterfalls and picturesque mountain views. It has about 500 km of road network and several Ranger posts at strategic locations to facilitate effective visitor reception and Park protection.
The Park has museums of Natural History located at Bodel Head Office Serti and Toungo Range office. Exhibits include wildlife specimens, fishing gears,

old hunting equipment ,carved footprints of some animal species etc. These specimens are representative of the abundant fauna resources the Park harbors.

Forests in Chappal Waddi, Chappal Hendu, Chappal Yumti, Chappal sirgu and Kwano are good primate strongholds.

One is sure to sight chimpanzees here or at least hear their calls or see their nests. Its a wonderful place to be.
i. Hippo pool located at Mayo Kam in Gashaka sector.
ii. Bat forest located in Gashaka sector (upper Dou mayo)
iii. The German fort (in Gashaka sector)
iv. Sangurditi sanctuary (stone of money)
v. Matashirip saltlick ( Gashaka sector)
vi. Kiri waterfalls (Toungo sector)
vii. Kwano forest sanctuary (Gashaka sector)
viii.Zantil historical hill.
ix. Mashaya zafi hotspring/saltlick.
x. Chappal Waddi , the highest peak in Nigeria (2,400 msl)
Gashaka sector of the park can be accessed through Katsina Ala-Takum-Bali-Serti –Bodel Gate and the other from Jalingo-Mutum Biyu-Bali-Serti-Bodel Gate, while the main access to Gumti sector is from Yola-Mayo Belwa-Ganye-Sugu-Toungo. The closest airport is at Yola. However, there is an airstrip for light aircraft in Serti, which could be used by visitors.

Kainji National Park is in Niger State and Kwara State, Nigeria. It covers an area of about 5340.82 km² in total. Located in the northwest central part of the country between latitude 9°40’N and 10°30’N and longitude 3°30’E and 5°50’E ,500 km from Lagos and 385 km north east of Abuja the Federal Capital.

The park includes three distinct sectors: a part of the Kainji Lake in which fishing is restricted, the Borgu Game Reserve to the west of the lake, and the Zugurma Game Reserve to the southeast.
The Kali hills and Oli river are very important features of the cultural uniqueness of this wonderful park. The Kali Hills, with its numerous shrines and Oli River where the water goddess of that land resides are irresistible tourists attractions with all the religious trappings.

Yearly, people visit the Park to offer sacrifices to the water goddess for good fortunes and bounty harvests, cure of barrenness and for the cleansing of individuals of parental and ancestral curses.
If you are one that is interested about the past, the present and the future, then you are sure to get all the information you need in the park's museum.

While at the Kob Amusement Center in Wawa, visitors/tourists are very much welcome to the modern park museum where fascinating wildlife trophies and traditional gear/costumes, African cultural artifacts are displayed to show the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria.
For the convenience of tourists/visitors, the Oli River Tourist camp in Borgu is connected to the national Electricity Grid. There is also steady supply of water. The camp has 38 lavishly furnished chalets of various categories (VIP, Double, Studio, etc), a medium size conference hall, health clinic, a swimming pool (Where visitors can relax and have refreshing swim park viewing or conferences

The Oli Camp hippo activity center has an outdoor Bar, Children’s recreation facility and beach ball field.
The tourist camp at Wawa and Ibbi are Amusement Center with limited accommodation facility, a restaurant and bar, children playground, natural history museum indoor game facilities and club/discotheque hall that
have been moderately developed and made attractive.
Kainji Lake National Park being the Eco tourism flagship park of the Nation offers lots of variety of holiday activities and is open all year round for every activities. Strategically located within the park for research and viewing of specific games that come around for either water or salt lick.
Park viewing from the watch tower is best in December-June for clear visibility and accessibility to cultural sites such as Kali Hills and shrine. Visitors are required to book for entry and make reservation for accommodation at Wawa or Ibbi Offices.
Visitors/tourists are in for a life time experience lake cruise in the park with A 30-seater water bus and boats provided for those who wish to take the lake adventure.
One will have the opportunity of viewing migratory birds and reptile species and also visit the historical site of Old Bussa, as well as the site where Mango Park, a British Explorer, died while exploring River Niger in 1806.
Kainji Lake National Park is naturally blessed with a number of beautiful sites that are of diverse values to the Support Zone Communities, Students, Researchers and Tourists.
The Borgu Game Reserve is a section of the Kainji National Park, sandwiched between the Borgu Local Government Area of Niger State and Baruten Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria.
It is bordered on the east by Kainji Lake and reaches almost to the border with Beninto the west, covering 397,002 hectares (981,010 acres). It was fused with the Zugurma Game Reserve in 1975 to form the Kainji Lake National Park.
Borgu Kingdom is home to the following tourist attractions:
Night sight of the HIPPO Recreational/activity Center Oli Camp
Kalli Shrines (Located in the Park)
Ukuba, Jakana and Kalli Hills
Kainji Dam and hyro-power station (Nigeria’s first and largest Hydro power station)
Ruins of Old Bussa
Spot of Mango Park’s Death
Foge Island(reputedly Northern Nigerian’s largest Island)
Wawa Maot
Shagunu Beach –Located at the widest point of Kainji Lake.
Pissa and kabe Caves
Ancient Konkoso iron-working site
Kainji Lake (which is 136 km long and 24 km wide)
Lion cave (in Zugurma sector in the park)
Giyaye Pool
Swashi Dam and Irrigation scheme
Gani Festival-The festival is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage of Borgu People within Nigeria and the diaspora. It is a series of cultural and traditional sporting events including Durbar (Northern Carnival),Regatta,traditional wrestling and Agricultural show.
Old Oyo National Park is located across northern part of Oyo State and the southern part Kwara State of Nigeria. Covering a total land mass of 2,512 km 2 mostly of lowland plains at a height of 330 m and 508 m above sea level.The park takes its name from Oyo-lle (Old Oyo), the ancient political capital of Oyo Empire of the Yoruba people, and contains the ruins of this city.

The National Park originated in two earlier Native Administrative forest Reserves, Upper Ogun established in 1936 and Oyo-lle established in 1941. These were converted to Game Reserves in 1952, then combined and upgraded to the present status of a National Park. The southern part is drained by the Owu, Owe and Ogun Rivers, while the northern sector is drained by the Tessi River. Outcrops of granite are typical of the North Eastern Zone of the Park, including at Oyo-lle, with caves and rock shelters in the extreme north. The central part of the Park has scattered hills, ridges and rock outcrops that are suitable for mountaineering.

The Ikere Gorge Dam on the Ogun river provides water recreation facilities for tourists. This magnificent park can easily be approached from southwestern and northwestern Nigeria. The nearest cities and towns adjoining Old Oyo National Park include Saki, Iseyin, Igboho, Sepeteri, Tede and Igbeti which have their own commercial and cultural attractions for tourism.
Old Oyo National Park is rich in plant and animal resources including buffaloes, bushbuck, Nile crocodile, rock python, land tortoise, lion, western kob, roan antelope, western hartebeest, Grimm’s duiker, oribi, crested porcupine, Anubis baboon, patas monkey, Tantalus monkey.

Others include buffalo, red river hog, gaboon viper, spotted hyena, Nile crocodile, rock python, land tortoise, waterbuck, bushbuck, warthog, guinea fowl,

hammer kop, African fish eagle, bush fowl, Senegal parrot, grey heron, grey horn-bill, white-headed plover, and a variety of birds.
There are very large concentration of archaeological sites in the park.

Most important of these sites to be found in Oyo-ile at the heart of the park is the four concentric defense walls around the former ancient capital city, Koso (Where Alaafin Sango was believed have committed suicide).
Also the park can boast of numerous, beautiful and marvelous geological features in the park dotted with sceneries of captivating rocks formation, such as Oke Agbele, Agbaku, Mejiro and Idi Are. These rocks formation have huge caves that served as safe heaven to the locals during war times in the olden days. These are visitor/tourist delight any day.
Some of the local crafts produced by the indigenous industries within the park include: "Aso oke and other various traditional clothes" by the traditional cloth weavers,

"metal souvenirs by the blacksmiths, "calabash carving, wood carving, drum making, basket weaving, leather works and sculptures" by the local craftsmen.
The park can be accessed through numerous routes. Visitors from the eastern part of Nigeria, Lagos/Ibadan axis can come through Ibadan-Iseyin-Sepeteri to eventually enter the park through Ajaku gate.
Visitors from Abuja/Kaduna-Kano axis can come in through Ilorin-Igbeti to enter the park through Jokoro, Tessi Garuba or Tessi Apata routes, While visitors/tourists from Kainji Lake National Park can come in through Kaiama-Kishi-Soro to enter the park through the Soro gate. If you are coming from central Benin Republic you can come in through Yashikira-Kosubosu-Igboho to enter through Alaguntan route.
The Kamuku National Park is a Nigerian national park in Kaduna State, Nigeria, with a total area of about 1,120 km². The park has a typical Sudanian Savanna ecology. located in the west of Kaduna State, and is adjacent to the Kwiambana Game Reserve to the north west.
It was established in 1936 as the Native Authority Forest Reserve of Birnin Gwari under the Northern Nigeria Government. It was upgraded from a state Game Reserve to a National Park in May 1999, in part due to the success of a community-based project promoting sustainable resource usage, managed by Savanna Conservation Nigeria. The park has generally flat terrain, sloping gradually upwards to the Birnin Gwari Ridge along the eastern boundary.
Natural features of interest include the Dogon Ruwa Waterfalls; the Goron Dutse, a large isolated inselberg with a smooth surface stratified in a pattern of black and white squares; and the Tsaunin Rema, a hill made of large boulders piled on top of each other, with a large population of Rock Hyraxes.
Vegetation is Guinea Savanna with some transitional Sudan Savanna elements in places.
The park and the nearby forest reserves have some of the best preserved blocks of this ecosystem in the country. Dominant trees include Isoberlinia doka, Terminalia avicennioides and Detarium macrocarpum. Other common trees include Daniellia oliveri, Nauclea latifolia, Acacia, Lophira lanceolata, Parkia biglobosa, Prosopis africana and Isoberlinia tomentosa. The riparian forests that line small, seasonal rivers often include Oil Palms (Elaeis guineensis). Other common plant species include Afzelia, Monotes and Raphia shrubs.
Rock boulders occurring in layers (Overlapping) which is a good spot for risk adventure and mountain climbing. Its also a dwelling place for Rock Hyrax.
A rock outcrop that could be used for risk adventure. This is a single large Inselberg with smooth surface stratified into square patterns in black and white. This rock outcrop could be used for risk adventure. It is reputed to be a relic of Zagi-zagi settlement.
Animals found in the Park are: Elephant, Roan antelope, Western Hartebeest, Bushbuck, Reedbuck, Grimm’s Duicker, Red-flanked Duiker, Oribi Patas Monkey,

Green Monkey (tantalus), Baboon, Warthog, a variety of birds, insects, reptiles, rodents, etc. bird watchers would easily observe rich offering of various birds at any given time.

Interestingly, about 177 species of birds (both resident and African migrant) as well as several reptiles, fishes and insects have been sighted and documented in the Park. Important species of birds like Sagittarius serpentarius (Secretary bird) Ground hornbill, Neotics dertham and Bucarus Abyssinica (Ground horn-bills) which are not commonly found elsewhere in Nigeria, exist here.
Prominent in the park's accommodation is the Kada Motel, a concession from the Kaduna State Government, managed by Kamuku National Park, has a unique restaurant and bar which serve visitors and the entire community.

This motel is an assortment of round chalets reminiscent of typical African hut architecture, with comfortable rooms and suites for the convenience of visitors to the Park. The motel is located at a scenic and picturesque spot in Birnin Gwari and charges moderately for her services. Equally, primitive camping sites exist for visitors who desire to be one with nature.
Visitors are welcomed all year round in the park. The special fortified vehicles for park viewing (with armed ranger escort and interpreters attached for guided tours) are available on request at moderate charges
The Okomu National Park, formerly known as the Okomu Wildlife Sanctuary, is one of Nigeria's numerous parks. The pride of our natural heritage is the smallest of the National Parks in Nigeria. It is a forest block within the 1,082 km² Okomu Forest Reserve in the Ovia South-West Local Government Area of Edo State in Nigeria.
The park is about 60 km north west of Benin City. The park holds a small fragment of the rich forest that once covered the region, and is the last habitat for many endangered species. The park holds a remnant of the Nigerian lowland forests that once formed a continuous 50–100 km wide belt from the Niger River west to the Dahomey Gap in Benin. To the south and southeast the forest was separated from the coast by mangrove and swamp forests, while to the north it merged into the Guinean Forest-Savanna Mosaic

The park is drained by the Osse River which defines its eastern boundary, while the Okomu River where the park actually derived its name forms the western boundary. It is probably the best example of mature secondary forest in southwest Nigeria.
The park has diverse fauna, with 33 species of mammals including the African buffalo and the endangered African Forest Elephant. There is a population of the vulnerable White-throated Guenon, a primate. Chimpanzees were reported to be present in the region in 2009.

The number of chimpanzees estimated to live in the Okomu Forest reserve is presently about 100 - 150. Other animals found in the park include Dwarf crocodiles, Red river hog, Sitatunga, Warthog, Civet cat, Maxwell's Duiker, Grass cutter, Mona monkey, Thomas's galago and Tree pangolin.
About 150 species of birds have been identified. These include Angolan Pitta, Grey Parrot, Wrinkled Hornbill, Fish Eagle, hawks, woodpeckers, Great Owl, Grey Hornbill, Cattle Egret, Black-casqued Hornbill, Yellow-casqued Hornbill, Sabine's Spinetail, Cassin's Spinetail, Black Spinetail, White-breasted Negro finch, Chestnut-breasted Negro finch, Pale-fronted Negro finch and Yellow-throated Cuckoo. Perhaps of greater interest to most visitors, the park has over 700 species of colorful butterflies.
One unique feature of this wonderful park is the numerous trail tracks and this actually make the nature trail or safari at the park, a dreamed enterprise. You also discover that the park has also been divided into compartments, which bears the label of lakes which also makes it easy for visitors/tourists to cover the entire expanse of forested land easily.

The park is also accessible to tourists, and has well marked trails. There are two tree houses, one 140 feet high in a silk-cotton tree, from which visitors can view the park from above and observe bird life.
Visitors can stay at chalets built on stilts, just outside the park entrance, surrounded by fig trees that are often occupied by Mona monkeys.

Guides are available for forest walks, and will point out such things as termite nests and the many medicinal plants.
In addition to the numerous National Parks strategically located all over the country, There still exists some very exotic forest and game reserves that will blow the minds of first time visitors to Nigeria.
The following are some of the selected forest/game reserves. Enjoy yourself.In addition to the numerous National Parks strategically located all over the country, There still exists some very exotic forest and game reserves that will blow the minds of first time visitors to Nigeria.
This forest reserve is located in Ogun State, about 135 km north-east of Lagos, It lies within a tropical lowland rain forest and it has the most intricate and productive vegetation type in Nigeria and home to about 8000 species of plants. The reserve’s terrain is rugged with an elevation reaching about 300 m on some rocky hills. The eastern border is formed by the Omo river which, with its many tributaries, drain the reserve.
Omo forest reserve has five other highly degraded forest Reserves, the largest of which is Oluwa Forest Reserve to the east. The vegetation is a blend of moist semi-evergreen rain forest.
Want to take a trip to the famous Beetle hill in the reserve? Its a two and a half hour walk or 45 minute moderate drive to the base followed by a 25 minute climb up the hill’s steep slopes. This forget-not trip is worthwhile for the fantastic views over the forest when you get at the top. The trip usually concludes with a picnic lunch either on route or back in J4.
Omo forest reserve is of great conservation value with over 200 species of tree, 125 species of bird and many mammal species including forest elephant, chimpanzee and white-throated guenon monkeys,
all of which are seriously endangered. However effort is being made by the Government of Nigeria to conserve these endangered species.
Okeluse Forest Reserve is located in Ondo state of Nigeria. It is a forested area set aside for preservation or controlled use in Nigeria.
Its center lies at a latitude of 6.78939 and longitude of 5.69087 and has an elevation of 85 meters above sea level. Perfect place for nature watchers and if you a fishing enthusiast interested in fishing near or at Okeluse Forest Reserve would really find it very interesting and one of the best outdoors adventure. Check it out and you wouldn't regret it.
Oba Hills Forest Reserve is a reserve in Osun State Nigeria that covers about 52 km2 of hilly terrain with deep gorges. Located within latitude. 7.75°, longitude. 4.1166666999999997° A rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300 m. About 12% of the reserve had been planted with teak. It is about 79.8 km away from Ibadan. Average temperature is 30oC 87oF. Wind: 11.5 km/h Southwest. The reserve is an ideal place for chimpanzee watchers.
The Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve is situated on the Mambilla Plateau in SE Nigeria, covering approximately 46km². It can be reached on foot from Yelwa village past the Mayo Jigawal, from where it is less than half an hour’s walk to the upper edge of the forest. The altitude ranges from 1,400 meters (4,593 ft) up to 1,600 metres (5,249 ft). Ngel Nyaki was formally gazetted a local authority Forest Reserve under Gashaka - Mambilla Native Authority Forest order of April 1969, but at present it is under the management of the Taraba State Government and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), with the Nigerian Montane Forest Project (NMFP) as a project partner.
Ngel Nyaki is home to a population of the rare and endangered Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes subsp. ellioti. It is estimated that the chimpanzee population in the forest comprises a single interbreeding community of 11–13 adults.
Other primates including Putty-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans), Mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) and Tantalus monkey (Chlorocebus tantalus) also inhabit the forest. Birds such as turacos, the Cameroon Olive-pigeon (Columba sjostedti), Double-toothed Barbet (Lybius bidentatus) and green bulbul are common.
Ise Forest Reserve is a a forested area set aside for preservation and controlled use in the country of Nigeria. Its center lies at a latitude of 7.3841 and longitude of 5.3804 and it has an elevation of 357 meters above sea level. Ise Forest Reserve has a humid climate. The land area is not cultivated, most of the natural vegetation is still intact. The landscape is mostly covered with closed to open broad leaved evergreen or semi-decidious forest. The climate is classified as a tropical savanna (winter dry season),
March is warmest with an average temperature of 32.8 °C at noon. December is coldest with an average temperature of 19 °C at night. Ise Forest Reserve has no distinct temperature seasons, the temperature is relatively constant during the year. The temperatures at night are cooler than during daytime. December is on average the month with most sunshine. The wet season has a rainfall peak around July, the dry season is around the month of January.
Idanre Forest Reserve is a forested area set aside for preservation in Idanre local government area of Ondo state southwest part of Nigeria. This International Union for Conservation of Nature designated nature reserve covers 561 square kilometers (217 sq mi). Its center lies at a latitude of 6.8577 and longitude of 5.10551 and it has an elevation of 143 meters above sea level with high plain of spectacular valleys interspersed with inselbergs of about 3,000 ft above sea level. Some of its physical attributes include Owa's Palace, Shrines, Old Court, Belfry, Agbooogun foot print, thunder water (Omi Aopara) and burial mounds and grounds.The forest reserve is host to some exotic tropical animals such as forest elephants, chimpanzees and leopards. Other animals with significant presence are buffalo, red river hogs, ungulates, monkeys and other small mammals
The Edumanom Forest Reserve is in Bayelsa state an area in the Niger Delta region of southeast Nigeria. It is a Freshwater Swamp Forest with an area of 9,324 hectares. 93.24 km2 (36.00 sq mi). It covers part of the old Nembe Kingdom, now divided into the Nembe and Brass local government areas, of the state. With Coordinates of 4°24′54″N 6°27′1″E. The park is home to some very rare chimpanzees in Nigeria. A proposed federal road from Ogbia to Nembe would run between two of the patches inhabited by the chimps in the reserve.
Rangers reports suggested that there were 5-10 small chimpanzee groups in the general area, probably with about 50 individuals. A June 2008 report noted that the reserve was the last known site for chimpanzees in the Niger Delta.
The reserve also shelters the endemic Sclater's guenon and other IUCN Red List species Olive Colobus and Niger Delta Red Colobus. The Sclater's monkey was considered vulnerable but not endangered in 2008. It is hunted throughout the area, except in a very few places where it is held sacred, but is managing to survive. A 2005 report recommended that it be protected within the Edumanom and other reserves in Nigeria. There used to be Red-capped Mangabeys in the forest, but these are now thought to be extirpated.
The Zugurma Game Reserve is a section of the Kainji National Park, in the Mariga Local Government Area of Niger State, Nigeria. It covers an area of 138,500 hectares. It It is bordered by the Kontagora River to the northwest and the Manyara River to the north, The reserve consists of a low plateau with gradually sloping sides forming an east to west watershed. Even though it is poorly drained, with no tributaries running into the Manyara River, and with the Yampere and Lanser rivers running only seasonally, the riparian forests along the Manyara River is yet untouched and still retain its virginity.The vegetation is typically Guinea savanna woodland. It is very rich in flora and fauna. A wonderful place for lovers of nature.
Mambilla Plateau (Sardauna LGA, with headquarters at Gembu), is located in the southeast corner of Taraba State in Nigeria. It shares border with Cameroon and occupies a vantage location at an altitude of 1840 m above sea level, the highest point in Nigeria.
The Mambilla Plateau is a high grassland plateau with an exclusive topographic area that has some of the biggest and highest mountains in Nigeria.
Tourists will enjoy the glorious scenery the Mambilla Plateau has to offer, and will see this as a cool and enjoyable change from the warmth and humidity of other parts of the country. The Park offers tourists a gorgeous location that is well worth a visit. The Mambilla Plateau has an abundance of cattle ranches, several tea plantations and undulating, grassy hills. The fauna and flora of the Mambilla is different from the rest of Nigeria, and visitors will find some rare species of birds and animals here.
The park can easily be accessed from every part of the country. There is a main road that goes to Mambilla from Lagos, Onitsha, Otukpo, Benin City, Enugu, Yandev, Wukari, Katsina Ala, Serti, Gembu and Bali. Those wanting to go by air can fly into the Yola Airport, and drive from there to Mambilla which is only a few miles south from the airport.
The Afi River Forest Reserve is in Cross River State, Nigeria, and covers 312 square kilometres (120 sq mi). Coordinates: 6°11′53″N 8°58′36″E. It is one of the largest forest blocks remaining in the state other than the Cross River National Park. The reserve lies between the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary and Mbe Mountains Community Forest, both of which are home to Cross River Gorillas, drill and chimpanzee and forms a corridor between the two. There are large number of Gorillas in the forest. However a 2008 report noted that increasing levels of logging, farming and hunting were placing the gorillas under threat. Its a safe haven for nature watchers.
The Oban Hills are a range of hills in Cross River State, Nigeria. With Coordinates: 5.5°N 8.58333°E. These hills are rugged, rising from 100 meters (330 ft) in the river valleys to over 1,000 meters (3,300 ft) in the mountains.They lie within the Oban Hills Division of the Cross River National Park. The soils are highly vulnerable to leaching and erosion where stripped of plant cover. The rainy season lasts from March to November, with annual rainfall of over 3,500 mm. The northern part is drained by the Cross river and its tributaries. The southern parts are drained by the Calabar, Kwa and Korup rivers. The Oban hills derived their names from the small town of Oban to the south, contain the largest area of unexploited lowland rain forest in Nigeria. It is possible that at one time the region was home to more people, perhaps being depopulated due to its proximity to the slave trading center of Calabar, and that the forest may actually be fairly recently populated. The hills are home to numerous wild exotic birds such as Chestnut-breasted Negrofinch Nigrita bicolor, Woodhouse's Antpecker Parmoptila woodhousei,
Yellow-mantled Weaver Ploceus tricolor, Red-tailed Bulbul Criniger calurus, Brown-eared Woodpecker Campethera caroli, etc and primates such as Preuss's Guenon,
It is almost impossible to exhaust the tourism endowment of Nigeria in a single site like this one. Every state and every locality of the country can boast of numerous tourist attraction. One of the prominent centers of attractions for domestic and foreign visitors and tourists who seek to see nature in its raw form are the numerous game/forest reserves all over the country. The reason for this rich natural resources is not far-fetched. Nigeria a country with a land mass of 923,768 km2, blessed with perfect, climate, temperature, topography, vegetation, natural and human resources. One of the best in the world.
The Tropical rain forest climate or the Equatorial monsoon is found in the southern part of the country. With temperature ranging between 28 °C (82.4 °F) for its hottest month and 26 °C (78.8 °F) in its coldest month. The average annual rainfall received in this region is very high, usually above the 2,000 mm (78.7 in) However, over 4,000 mm (157.5 in) of rainfall is received in the coastal region of Nigeria around the Niger delta area.
The Tropical savanna climate or Tropical wet and dry climate, is extensive in area and covers most of Western Nigeria up to central Nigeria beginning from the Tropical rain forest climate boundary in southern Nigeria to the central part of Nigeria, where it exerts enormous influence on the region.
Rainfall totals in central Nigeria varies from 1,100 mm (43.3 in) in the lowlands of the river Niger Benue trough to over 2,000 mm (78.7 in) along the south western escarpment of the Jos Plateau.
The Sahel Climate or Tropical dry climate, is the predominant climate type in the northern part of Nigeria. Annual rainfall totals are lower compared to the southern and central part of Nigeria.
Rainy season in the northern part of Nigeria last for only three to four months (June–September). The rest of the year is hot and dry with temperatures climbing as high as 40 °C (104.0 °F) .
Alpine climate or highland climate or mountain climate, are found on highlands regions in Nigeria. Highlands with the alpine climate in Nigeria, are well over 1,520 meters (4,987 ft) above sea level. Due to their location in the tropics, this elevation is high enough to reach the temperate climate line in the tropics thereby giving the highlands, mountains and the plateau regions standing above this height, a cool mountain climate. Foreigners from temperate weather prefer this locations.
Here are some of the games / forest reserves any visitor or tourist would love to visit.
Otu Forest Reserve, Ondo State, Nigeria. Coordinates: N 6°41′25″ E 4°57′57" and has an elevation of 66 meters above sea level.
Akure Ofosu Forest Reserve, Located in Ondo State, Nigeria. Coordinates: 6°57′47″N 5°21′14″E , Area 394 km2 (152 sq mi)
Irele Forest Reserve, located in Ondo State, Nigeria. Coordinates: 6° 37' 34" N 4° 58' 14" E and has an elevation of 44 meters above sea level
Ise Forest Reserve, located in Ekiti State of Nigeria. Coordinates: N 7° 23' 2.76" E 5° 22' 49.44" Area 142 km².
Kwiambana and/or Ningi Game Reserve, located in Zamfara State of Nigeria. Coordinates: 11°20'17"N 6°42'16"E
Kashimbila Game Reserve is located in Taraba State of Nigeria. Coordinates: 6°48'10"N 9°53'43"E. Has an area of 1396 km².
The Borgu Game Reserve is in the Borgu Local Government Area of Niger State and Baruten Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. It is bordered on the east by Kainji Lake and reaches almost to the border with Benin to the west, covering 397,002 hectares (981,010 acres). Coordinates: 10.041°N 4.060°E
It is important to state here that there are other several game/forest reserves that has not been mentioned here due to space and I do not want to bore visitor to this site with too many choices at the same time to avoid confusion for the same visitor one intends to inform. However as I update this site regularly they shall be mentioned. Please keep checking for more updates.
Please adhere strictly to the following advice:
1. Buy good travel and health insurance and check that all activities on your trip are covered.
2. Check the entry requirements for the country you are visiting, including: number of empty pages and months left before your passport expires, visa requirements, if holding a return ticket is required, etc.
3. Get all the required vaccinations, preventive malaria medication and insect repellent. Insect repellent should contain at least 20-30% DEET.
4. Lock all bags before handing them over at check-in at the airport. Keep all valuables in your hand luggage or money belt, including your passport and bank cards.
5. Make photocopies of important documents like tickets, insurance papers, passport, and visa and keep them separate. It is also recommended to scan these documents and email a copy to yourself and somebody at home, along with your flight other travel details. If you don't have a scanner, you can leave photocopies with somebody at home.
6. Put your valuables in the safety deposit box of the hotel and make sure to take at least one bag that you can lock.
7. Check with your tour operator what to pack for your trip. It is important to be protected against the sun and have suitable clothing for wildlife watching.
8. When small charter flights are part of your trip,check the luggage weight limits, since you often aren't allowed to bring a lot of luggage.
9. Don't drive at night as it is harder to see the road conditions. They are often poor and people frequently walk on the road, sometimes drunk.
10. When driving in areas known for car hijackings (like in and around, Oshodi, Ikeja, Agege and Alimosho) you should lock all doors and keep your windows closed. Don't stop at hijacking hotspots, like empty parking lots or the emergency lane of highways. The risk is significantly higher after dark.
11. Don’t offend or irritate police officers. Always show respect. Police officers might try their luck getting a bribe. If so, don’t get aggressive, but also don't give in and stand your ground. A light attitude and a joke might well get you off the hook.
12. Don’t take photos of government or military buildings and constructions.
Please note: Do not get the wrong impression that wildlife viewing is a dangerous activity because of the following advice. Wildlife viewing can be considered very safe as long as you treat wildlife with respect and use common sense. It is extremely rare for incidents to happen and your professional guide is there to ensure your safety. The advice below is solely intended to further decrease the already small risks.
1. Always follow your guide’s instructions and guidelines.
2. Stay in the car during game drives except at designated areas where you are allowed to get out of the car.
3. Never walk off far to pee behind a bush, just go straight behind the vehicle.
4. Don't stand up in the car, lean or hang out of the window or sit on the roof.
5. Don’t drive too close to animals if you are on a self-drive safari. Back off if the animals seem disturbed.
6. Don’t drive between elephants, especially females and their young.
7. Don't talk or laugh too loud.
8. Stay close to your guide and group on a walking safari.
9. Watch where you put your feet while walking in the bush.
10. Never run or jog in a wildlife area as it entices predators to attack. For the same reason, never run away from a predator when confronted. Instead ask your guide for
help and instructions or slowly walk backwards while facing the predator.
11. Never walk between a hippo and water. They will panic because their safety route to the water is blocked.
12. While on a canoe safari, stay in the shallows, to avoid hippos. Keep enough distance from animals on river banks.
13. While camping, or in a tented camp, never leave food in your tent; It will attract wildlife.
14. Cover your arms and legs in the evening and use insect repellent to protect against mosquitoes. The repellent should contain at least 20-30% DEET.
15. Wear a hat, use sunscreen, and drink plenty of water.
16. Don't wear too bright and colorful clothes or too much perfume. This is especially true for walking safaris and, to a lesser extent, for other wildlife viewing activities. In tsetse-fly areas it is recommended not to wear dark-colored clothing- like black or dark blue- since it attracts these stinging flies.
17. Bring warm clothes for morning game drives in open vehicles during the cold months of May, June, July and August.
Although it only poses a minimal threat during the wet summer months (October to April), malaria is present and should be addressed. Protect yourself by using mosquito repellent (containing at least 20% DEET) and taking anti-malaria pills. There are also vaccinations that you should have before travelling to Nigeria in particular and Africa general.
Lagos is a main entry point for those arriving from abroad. Although there have been some problems with theft and crime, the airport is situated within Ikeja area of the state. It is important to state here that majority of visitors don't have any incidents however, by taking sensible safety measures you can further limit the already small risks.
1. Visitors are advised to pack in the basics only, camping gear and food. As an alternative, guests can also stay at one of the few hotels on the plateau.
2. No dog or any other domesticated animal or bird is allowed within the parks or reserves.
3. Firearms, and any other form of weapons, are strictly prohibited.
4. Visitors are required to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner at all times whilst within a protected area. Do not disturb any animal or person.
5. Visitors may not drive in a park or reserve in a vehicle that does not offer adequate protection, nor may they ride on roof racks or other exterior parts of the vehicle.
6. Visitors may only camp in designated camp sites.
7. It must be remembered that all wild animals are potentially dangerous and should be treated with the respect they deserve. Sleeping in the open, without a tent, is foolhardy and dangerous and is not allowed. Tents should be kept fastened to avoid snakes, scorpions and other unwelcome visitors entering.
8. Visitors should take anti-malarial prophylactics before, during and for at least two weeks after visiting any of our numerous Parks.
9. Visitors are also reminded that they should not swim in, or otherwise enter, any waters within the parks and reserves without first seeking the advice of the park or tour guide, this is due to the presence of crocodiles other water animals.
10. It is recommended that water to be used for drinking purposes should firstly be boiled or chemically treated.
Nature has endowed Nigeria with a good design that is so attractive that Nigeria makes one of the most naturally picturesque nations in the world. Among the unique features of the country are the numerous beaches dotting the entire coast line. Nigeria Beaches are some of the most attractive tourist spots, which provides a sense of relaxation and calmness to the minds and bodies of any visitor to the country. In addition there are many beach resorts and hotels that provide good accommodation to the foreign travelers who come to visit these beaches. Let us explore this unique richness of nature.
Victoria beach or Bar beach is another is in a class of itself. This beach is by far the most popular. Located in the island of Victoria lies parallel to Ahmadu Bello Way. Known for its immense sand bars, this beach extends from the west by the Institute of Oceanography all the way to Eko Hotel toward the east. Visitors will experience and enjoy the tropical Atlantic breeze from the Bar Beach, which is part of the Larger Gulf of Guinea.
Visitors/tourists will be thrilled with some popular sports including horse back riding, swimming and football among other popular beach sports.
Bar Beach is one of the earliest, most popular and most visited beaches in Lagos city. Well-equipped with modern facilities to make one's visit a memorable one.
Coconut Beach, also known as Badagry Beach is situated in Badagry town in the western side of Lagos.This beautiful beach, which is encircled with coconut plantations full of cool shady places for visitor/tourists to sit and relax themselves.The Beach derives its name from the abundant coconut trees along the entire Beach shore. Exquisite resorts are nearby for refreshments while visiting the beach. Enjoy the tropical sun and take in the ambiance of the environment at Coconut Beach.

Located in town of Badagry which has the reputation of being a center of slave trade in the 1800, the beach is pleasant and fascinating, and it provides excellent holiday resort.Visitors who are not too accustomed to the tropical sun are advised to wear hats as it can be warm in the afternoon.
Akodo Beach ranks among the most visited beaches in Lagos city. This modern beach is a favorite among tourists to Lagos beaches. Palm trees stand overhead and provide the ultimate relaxation for visitors. Modern facilities and equipment line the beach. Members of all ages enjoy the rides and amusement at the local parks. A swimming beach is also a popular spot along this beach to take a dip in the sea. Chalets are also prevalent at the Akodo Beach.
The ambiance completes the scene for any tourist from the white sand beach and rippling waves that lap the shoreline. This is the ultra modern Eko tourist beach resort, designed to open up the tourism and facilitate private sector participation in tourism development., equipped with modern facilities, chalets, amusement parks and rides, and a serene swimming beach are features of this resort.
This wonderful unique beach that is situated alongside the harbor of Lagos popularly known as Takwa Bay is reachable only by boat across the Lagos harbor. Water skiing long walks, surfing and swimming are some of the events at this peaceful serene waters. It is situated in a location that is totally detached from the normal hustle and bustle of the typical Lagos environment.
Chairs and tents can be rented so visitors could relish the bracing breeze and monitor the arrival and mooring of ships at the Lagos Harbor and Apapa Port. There is exquisite accommodation and bar equipped with modern facilities for visitors. The serenity is complete with breezes that blow through the harbor. A heaven on earth.
Eleko Beach is one of the most serene and clean beaches in Lagos, opened in 1989, Eleko is one the newest of Lagos Beaches.located about 1 hour drive away from the city. You can’t compare it with Bali, Phuket or Tioman, but it is the best you can find here. A quiet resort and one of its main attraction is the exclusivity. It is a private resort managed by an expatriate on Victoria Island and is open to fun-seekers on most weekends. Sometimes, whole families and groups of friends invade the place, apparently to unwind and to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
There are lots of eating joints and bars along the beach. There are no traders and no distractions on Eleko Beach, just peace and tranquility ideal for those seeking privacy. You can rent a beach hut for the day here, and get someone to make a barbecue for you. There’s also a small market selling interesting art. You’ll need to hire a drop taxi to get there. In addition the beach offers sporting activities for everyone. The atmosphere is relaxed and rejuvenating for beach combers of all types.
This very popular beach is only a few kilometers from the city center along the Lekki-Epe Expressway. One beach with two different names. Lekki Beach and Maiyegun Beach are united in a single Beach which has proven to be a popular holiday resort and seaside retreat for individuals desirous of an escape and freedom from the chores of everyday living in it's relatively short years of existence. It is possible to hire a beach shelter made of palm fronds and set up a picnic or barbecue.
By maiyegun beach it implied that the beach is situated by the settlement of maiyegun,which is located at the beginning of the Lekki Peninsula Hence the reference to the beach as Lekki Beach.It is a well-organized beach fitted with such amenities and conveniences as a parking lot, relaxing chairs and beach tents.It has hosted many musical concerts and jamborees,notably the Lekki sun splash musical concerts,which turned out to be a yearly occurrence. Musical shows are also held during Christian and Muslim festival featuring local and foreign artistes.
Alpha Beach, located at the end of New Road after Igbo Efon, Lekki Peninsula. This Beach is another of Lagos’ attractive beaches and is known for it's neatness. Beach shelters made of palm fronds and umbrellas, available for rent, keep the sun at bay, as well as provide a place to enjoy snacks or refreshments sold by local traders. It will always be remembered for the dead whale washed down its shore.
Kuramo Beach is a sandy beach in Lagos, Nigeria, located at Victoria Island, just east of Bar Beach and south of the Kuramo Waters lagoon. The beach derive its name from the Kuramo Lake that borders it.
This beach has over the years become a hot spot, home to various relaxation outlets, seaside bars, soup kitchens barbecue joints etc.There is also a variety of musical shows and jamborees staged at one time or the other. Kuramo is a fertile place to unwind and relax.
Halemson beach resort is located in Ikaare Island Satellite Town on an exclusive beach over-viewing the Atlantic ocean on the Nigerian coastline in Lagos. The beach is about 30 minutes boat cruise from Victoria Island and a 10 minute boat cruise from Satellite Town waterside, with MTN Resort to its left and First Bank of Nigeria’s Resort to its right. Halemson beach resort is founded on the desire to provide an atmosphere for the individual, group, family and corporate body that longs for natural quiet and a peaceful place, which the fast paced city life cannot provide.
It is a tourist haven, with a vision to create a new dimension in Nigeria’s leisure, tourism and hospitality sectors tapping Nigeria’s vast natural endowments; Rich blend of Nigerian natural private beach Island, leisure boat cruises and seafood cuisines within Lagos State, the commercial hub of Nigeria. Facilities at the resort include Restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and local attraction etc. Restaurant/bar serves both continental and African meals which make the Tourist and visitors to the resort chose the type of meal which they prefer to be served.9. ELEGUSI BEACH
Elegushi is located off Lekki expressway. One is the numerous beautiful beaches in Lagos city. People typically (and heavily) patronize this spot. It could be a tonic for fatigued and depressed souls in search of refreshing and rejuvenating relaxation.Fun-seekers, beach combers and holidaymakers will also find the atmosphere soothing and will thus be in a relaxed mood.
Elegushi beach offers a mix of music, food and beautiful scenery of the water. There are also different shacks (some of which turn to clubs at night) scattered along the beach. It is specially recommended.
This beach is a private beach situated in beautiful Lekki axis of Lagos Island. A place to visit especially on weekends and public holidays. It is a quiet spot where a family can go and relax against the backdrop of the musical rumble of the sea waves hitting the sandy shore. There are individual bar shacks offering assorted drinks and grilled spiced food while you get massaged by the sea breeze.
The opportunity to ride horses and swim in the Atlantic Ocean though not everyone’s idea of an outdoor activity is still worth the trouble. With its decent, clean environment and lush white sand that is yet to be ravaged by buffeting ocean surge, this “beach doctor” injects peace into your tensed muscles and calms your nerves.
This is an almost exclusive beach resort, accessible only by private launch. Not much by way of swimming as it is the open Atlantic coast again but with beach house after beach house, it can have quite a community feel that you can forget the idea of swimming, spending time hopping from barbecue to barbecue leaving a trail of champagne bottles in your wake.
It is possible to jet-ski and water ski in the brackish waters of the creek behind the beach, although low tide can bring about many sand bars that one can easily get stuck on! While there, you must also try the coconuts.
Lighthouse beach is beside Tarkwa Bay and is named after the 110-year-old lighthouse that guards the entrance to Lagos harbour. The Lighthouse can just be seen from the beach, and is well worth a visit as there are very few monuments of its age left standing in Lagos.
A walk along the beach between Tarkwa Bay and Lighthouse Beach is very pleasant – often gives you are the feeling you are the only person living on the face of the earth. An ideal place for reflection and meditation. You can also watch the many ships queuing up to enter the port on the near horizon. Ogogoro Island – home to the Lagos Yacht Club is passed on the way to Tarkwa Bay as is Atlas Cove – home to Lagos’ petrol tanks. It is very common to find a huge tanker offloading its petroleum products at Atlas Cove…its quite an impressive sight passing under one of these Herculean tankers, just remember not to spark a fire.
Like I mentioned earlier, Nigeria is a blessed country in all ramifications. In case you think beaches are only restricted to Lagos, hear this. Agge Beach is at the south-western axis of Bayelsa State on the Atlantic coastal shoreline of Ekeremor Local Government.
It is known as the lsland of Agge ( a border town/village between Delta and Bayelsa state) with its adjoining communities of Amatu, Ezetu and Gbentu. The sandy beach on the axis of Bayelsa State which stretches for over 25 kilometers on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean is also known as the Agge Palm Beach. Facilities within the beach include Restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and other local attractions. Restaurant/bar serves both continental and African meals which make the Tourist and visitors to the beach chose the type of meal which they prefer to be served.
Visitors to this unique beach will be careful not to be enslaved by the warm and romantic atlantic atmosphere.
The Calabar Beach is located by the mouth of the Calabar River in Cross River state of Nigeria. It is one of the coolest Nigeria beaches flanked by a swamp and can only be reached by boat or canoe that ensures a mystical adventure on the water as anybody else at the beach will also be stranded. Very few locals actually go to the beach except for the fishermen. Visitors come for the serenity to be found on the beach. The Blue Lagoon on the beach provides more gentle water for weaker swimmers.
The climate of the area is tropical so there is high humidity, which in turn heats the water. Visitors can enjoy a pleasant, relaxing swim. The temperature rises up to 32 degrees but high humidity makes the nights extremely warm and the romance steamy or the adventure more heated. They are encouraged to try and explore the shoreline through the water instead of walking. Swimmers can go snorkeling by the coral reefs and see the fabulous aquatic life.
Further up the beach there are a number of resorts to accommodate visitors. There are also a number of wildlife preserves in the area where the government has set up enclosures. After a relaxing swim, a tourist can hike the coast to see the primate preserve. Calabar Beach also has an important historical significance. This beach was once a slave site. There is a monument set up on the beach for those who were enslaved to the Americas. Historical records state that 30% of African slaves left through this port. A number of artifacts from the period are on display in the museum.
The beach is virtually isolated and lends visitors the luxury of privacy Not just for water sports enthusiasts, these tourism developments of caves, tunnels and waterfalls attracts even the most dedicated couch potato to the active lifestyle. The weather is mostly normal along the coast as Nigeria lies in the tropical zone so an island adventure is guaranteed.
Ibeno Beach in Akwa lbom State ranks among the numerous fine beaches in Nigeria . One of the most outstanding natural tourist attractions in the State as it stretches to James town on the Atlantic over 90 kilometres of natural white sand bar along the Atlantic coast line of the State. Addicts of water sport finds the Beach most inviting.and provides excellent opportunities for water sport and ocean beach oriented tourism for Nigerians and foreigners. Its all year-round unflooded clean sand banks rich with coral reefs make it very unique.
Mobil Nigeria Unlimited shares the same boundary with the beach close to its off-shore oil drilling operations. Also, the beach is a potential haven for the Export Processing Zone (EPZ), tourism-thirsty expatriates, cruising to and from Calabar, the premier EPZ which lies closely to the north of the beach. It numbers among the top ten (10) soothing and hide-way reputable resorts nationally and regionally and is capable of commanding World tourist attention. The beach boasts of rich exotic restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and other local attractions. Restaurant/bar serves both continental and African meals.
Finima beach is located in a small town of finima in Bonny Island surrounded on the west and south by long stretches of beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. The beach is patronized by expatriates working in Nigeria NLNG plant and locals for picnic, relaxation and refreshment especially on sunny days and festive periods. Thousands of people from outside Bonny kingdom visit the Finima beaches for beach carnivals. Bonny beach carnival is the biggest Beach carnival in the Niger delta which holds at Bonny Island. Finima a lovely place to visit and get a feel of Niger Delta.
Bonny Nature Park, being developed by Nigeria LNG is popular for eco-tourism. The park covers the rain forest, mangrove swamps and area of sandy soil with fresh water ponds and tall timbers between the swamp and beach. It harbors some creatures like the pygmy hippo and reptiles including crocodiles, monkeys and some different bird species.
This beach resorts is located in the quiet University Town of Abraka, on the bank of River Ethiope, the crystal clear river which is fed by a spring which flow through a heavily forested area. The Abraka Beach River Resort has a white sandy beach on the river with tables and umbrellas and you can ride on a local canoe.
The water is safe for swimming and is so clear that you can see the fish at the bottom between 3-5m below. Facilities include table tennis, beach volleyball, a bar and a restaurant. The source of the river is from under a silk tree. This beach resort is a visitors delight anytime any day.
The Azumini blue river and beach is in Azumini town where it derived its name, Ukwo-East LGA of Abia State where it shares boundary with Akwa Ibom State. The river is unique because of its sparkling blue river which is surrounded by fine sands and glassy stones.
By the river banks are beautiful beaches which provide pleasant places for leisure, fishing, boating, yachting and skiing. There are relaxation facilities as chairs and tables. At the beach barbeque grills and delicacies are provided for picnickers. The river is about thirty minutes drive from Aba, through Enugu-Port Harcourt expressway. Turn left at Ukwa West junction to Azumini.
Both beaches are located at Unwana in Afikpo North LGA. Both beaches are part of extensive scenic golden sand beaches along cross River basin. This sand beach is an ideal centre for relaxation, sun bathing, swimming, sport fishing, canoe racing, yatchting.
Within the beach vicinity are some exotic restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and other traditional attractions. Restaurant/bar serves rich meals.
Uwana beach is accessed from Abakaliki to Afikpo, while visitors to Ndibe beach could accessed the beach from through Amuro/Mgbom round about in Afikpo. Other beaches of note are Ozi zza and Kpoghiri Kpo all in Afikpo-North LGA.
The beauty of Delta State is held together by the dozens of rivers, streams and creeks which crisscross it. Paramont among these natural features is the majestic Asaba beach with its golden sand banks of the Niger River which is a sight to behold especially during the dry season. River
Niger is one of the most famous rivers of Africa, washes the shores of the capital city, Asaba. Further downstream, it breaks into the dozens of creeks through which it empties itself into the Atlantic. During the dry season, the golden sandbanks of the Niger are ideal for picnics, refreshment and relaxation. Located within the beach visinity is the splendid Grand Hotel Convention Centre & Resort.
It is one of the most luxurious and cosy resorts imaginable where you will always be assured of a privileged welcome with a discreet and friendly service Nestled between the beautiful river coast of the Niger and the impressive Town of Asaba, capital of the Delta State The splendour of the décor, the ever present quality linked to true elegance combine to give a refined atmosphere of luxury for visitors.
The Azumini blue river and beach is in Azumini town where it derived its name, Ukwo-East LGA of Abia State where it shares boundary with Akwa Ibom State. The river is unique because of its sparkling blue river which is surrounded by fine sands and glassy stones.
By the river banks are beautiful beaches which provide pleasant places for leisure, fishing, boating, yachting and skiing. There are relaxation facilities as chairs and tables. At the beach barbeque grills and delicacies are provided for picnickers. The river is about thirty minutes drive from Aba, through Enugu-Port Harcourt expressway. Turn left at Ukwa West junction to Azumini.
Both beaches are located at Unwana in Afikpo North LGA. Both beaches are part of extensive scenic golden sand beaches along cross River basin. This sand beach is an ideal centre for relaxation, sun bathing, swimming, sport fishing, canoe racing, yatchting.
Within the beach vicinity are some exotic restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and other traditional attractions. Restaurant/bar serves rich meals.
Uwana beach is accessed from Abakaliki to Afikpo, while visitors to Ndibe beach could accessed the beach from through Amuro/Mgbom round about in Afikpo. Other beaches of note are Ozi zza and Kpoghiri Kpo all in Afikpo-North LGA.
The beauty of Delta State is held together by the dozens of rivers, streams and creeks which crisscross it. Paramont among these natural features is the majestic Asaba beach with its golden sand banks of the Niger River which is a sight to behold especially during the dry season. River
Niger is one of the most famous rivers of Africa, washes the shores of the capital city, Asaba. Further downstream, it breaks into the dozens of creeks through which it empties itself into the Atlantic. During the dry season, the golden sandbanks of the Niger are ideal for picnics, refreshment and relaxation. Located within the beach visinity is the splendid Grand Hotel Convention Centre & Resort.
It is one of the most luxurious and cosy resorts imaginable where you will always be assured of a privileged welcome with a discreet and friendly service Nestled between the beautiful river coast of the Niger and the impressive Town of Asaba, capital of the Delta State The splendour of the décor, the ever present quality linked to true elegance combine to give a refined atmosphere of luxury for visitors.
The bomadi beach is party resort is on the fascinating sand banks of the Niger located at Bomadi in Bomadi Local Government headquarter. The beach is enjoyed for refreshment and picnicking.
Escravos beach is an exciting and popular site for relaxation and organizing of picnics. The beach is located at the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Delta state.
Located on an artificial sand beach along kolabi creek east of the old township is this leisure hub with bush-bar restaurant which offer palm wine, local dishes and entertainment with a jetty , a restaurant, a wildlife display, museum and games room, it is a popular spot for picnics lovers.
This is a resort located at Awo-Amana. It is a beach that is associated with palm trees and beautiful environment for relaxation. A must visit for any visitor to the country. The people are hospitable.
Patigi beach is located along River Niger and enjoys splendid stretch of sandy beach currently used by local fishermen. The regatta pavilion is constructed on the beach together with the recently constructed regatta complex. The beach has potential for great holiday. Recommended for beach lovers.
The Agbokim Waterfalls is in Cross River State and not far from the Nigeria-Cameroon border, some 17 kilometers from Ikom and about 315 kilometers from Calabar. It offers some of the most majestic views of nature in Nigeria consisting of seven streams, each cascading over steep cliff which provides seven-faced falls and descends in terraces, through the tropical rain forest surrounded by lush greenery, valleys and steep hills which are enveloped in an aura of rainbow.
At a visit to this fall you will experience the richness in natural wonders and these Waterfalls also have an exceptional beauty. Its freshness is captivating and has an alluring serenity. It is the ideal location for a vacation to getting back into nature and regaining your creative productivity and general well being. There is no way you will be traveling to Obudu Cattle Resort without passing through Agbokim Waterfalls. It is very attractive and a good tourist spots which is highly recommended for picnics.
Kwa waterfalls is in Cross River State and is a splendid waterfalls to behold. It is located in the Oban division of the Cross River National Park. in a narrow, steep gorge on the headwaters of the Kwa Rivers where it tumbles down resistant basement rocks. At the bottom of the waterfall is a deep pool for refreshing plunge.
The Falls' beauty is further enhanced by its well arranged staircase steps from the plane down to the rest place of the cloudy waters. Visitors to this fall can also wind down in the nearby peaceful Kwa River Sand Beach anytime of the day. The Kwa fall is an hour (40km) drive from Calabar and easily accessible just before the village of Oban. Interesting canoe trips can be taken into the rainforest.
Erin Ijesha Waterfall also known as Olumirin Waterfall located in Erin-Ijesha – a town near Osogbo is a whole new experience with nature. It is one of the most spectacular sights to behold in Nigeria.
One of the wonders of the world, Erin Ijesha Waterfall is a cascading fall surrounded by towering mountains that gives you that sense of wildlife mixed with serenity as you behold the beauty nature has to offer.
The falls has seven levels you have to ascend and only few visitors can climb beyond the second layer.
The view at all the levels is wonderful and the freshness of the water is energizing if you have the mettle to get to the last and seventh level, the view is most intriguing. The final and seventh level lies at the peak of the falls. It is an idea place for picnic and relaxation.
Farin Ruwa waterfalls is in Farin Ruwa Development Area, under Wamba Local Government Area of Nassarawa State which is along the boundary of Plateau and Nasarawa states, in the central region of Nigeria. It is among the highest waterfalls in Nigeria. It is a fall to be reckoned with in Africa when the total height covered by the waterfall is considered. The source of Farin Ruwa falls is found on the Jos Plateau where it gushes down from the top of the plateau. During its descent from the Jos Plateau, a total height of about 150 metres (492 ft) is covered by the falls .This height is higher compared to the more popular Victoria Falls which cover a height of around 108 metres (354 ft) during its descent.
Farin Ruwa is a hausa language word meaning, white water.Farin ruwa is a description of the nature of the falls,by the local inhabitants of the Farin ruwa area. The height covered during the descent of the falls is very great, that the descending water merely crashes during its way down the Jos plateau highland. The falls gradually turns white in colour as a result of the height covered by the falls during its descent. The falls as a result of its white colour,appears in a distance to the inhabitants of the Farin Ruwa area, like a white smoke on the mountains. This white nature of the falls, earned it the name from the inhabitants, Farin Ruwa. The waterfall is about 120 kilometres from Lafia, the Nassarawa state capital, and 30 kilometres from Wamba town in Nasarawa.
Matsirga Waterfalls is located 169km North-East of Abuja (The Federal Capital Territory) and about 227 kilometers of Madakiya near Kafanchan, South of Kaduna, the Kaduna State capital. This attractive waterfalls with its rich green vegetation and natural rocky surrounding drops 30 meters into a deep narrow valley supported by beautiful rocks. It takes its source from springs on the Kagoro hills cascading from four different natural funnels off the sheer rock cliff from about 25 metres to form a large pool at the bottom.
At the point of impact with the river, the tumbling showers of the fall create a colourful mist which appears and disappears mysteriously. A natural rock shelter at the river bank forms a cover and resting place for picnicking. Like an umbrella which provides shade for tourists amidst the wondrous continuous waterfall.
The irresistible natural rocks and vegetation as well as the fresh cool breeze provides absolute comfort to tourists. Facilities available for visitors and tourists within the vicinity of this resort include Restaurant/bar, Accommodation, Recreation, and local attraction etc. These restaurant/bar serves both continental and African meals affording the tourist and visitors to the resort choose the type of meal which they prefer to be served.
Gurara falls is located in Gurara Local Government, between Suleja and Minna, the capital city of Niger State in Central Nigeria. It is about one and half hours drive from Abuja. Small streams divert from the main Gurara River running softly around rocks on top of the cliff, converging from scores tributaries in the narrow rugged pass and dashing out from the cliff with almighty power.The Gurara Falls change their shape every season of the year. From calm water ponds with slowly flowing water and meager waterfalls – in the dry season (December to March), to a vast, huge flow of water with giant falls all around the site – in the rainy season (July to September) and every possible variety in between.
During the rainy season the quantity and flow of water is enormous while in the dry season the water is calm and swimming is possible in the small pond under the falls, as well as at the beach while picnicking. It is worth visiting both during the rainy and the dry season to witness the enormous change between the seasons. The scenery is amazing. Rock formations together with beautiful flora of evergreen trees and bushes, rivers, ponds and waterfalls all around you. To get close to the waterfalls, you need to make a daring walk. If you are nature lover, the hard work is worthwhile. The building of a seven-star hotel is on the agenda, meanwhile, there are many resorts and smaller hotels that provide good accommodation to the foreign travelers who come to visit.
Ikogosi warm spring is located in Ekiti west Local Government area of Ekiti state Nigeria in a valley from the surrounding hills at the warm spring. It is the home of the nation’s only and most famous warm springs, situated on the hills in Ikogosi Ekiti. The spring itself originates from the top of a rock formation now situated in what the state government calls the Ikogosi Warm Spring Resort. The Vegetation at the spring which is highly thick forest with natural and rich vegetation that is closely maintained and protected from arbitrary deforestation.The trees serve as a sort of canopy under which tourists could stay during the dry season and sunny days.
The undulating topography of the area and the symmetry of the surrounding hills add more to the aesthetic beauty of the spring.What is mysterious about the Ikogosi Warm Spring is the fact that, flowing side by side the warm spring, is another spring, a cold one. The warm and cold springs of Ikogosi originate from a close proximity, come to a meeting point, and flow onward together with each spring retaining its thermal identity. It represents another uniqueness and is the first of such occurrence in the world.
The warm spring has a temperature of up to 70oC at the source and 37oC after meeting the cold spring. The meeting point of the warm and cold springs is a unique attraction to tourists. The springs flow with a constant temperature and volume of up to 150 litres/seconds from morning till night, at all seasons, all-year round. Strangely also, there is a tree and a palm growing from the same source at the meeting point area of the warm and cold springs. A wonderful work of Mother Nature. According to experts, it is a geological wonder to have such occurrence out of the same rock formation not found anywhere else in the world.
Another unique quality of the Ikogosi Warm Spring is its acclaimed curative power. Local traditional myth says that the warm and cold springs were the two wives of a great hunter. One of his wives was said to be temperamental while the other was a quiet woman. One day, the two wives had a fight and after being rebuked by their husband, the temperamental wife changed to the warm spring while the quiet one turned to the cold spring. It is widely-believed to have some kind of therapeutic effect which relieves body aches and all sorts of ailments. A lot of tourists visiting the place take advantage of the large warm water swimming pool provided for this purpose and other recreational needs.
Assop Water Falls is located some 62 kilometers along the Jos- Akwanga road. With an altitude of 600-1100m above sea level, the site is an area of Guinea Savanna on the slopes and top of a mid-altitude ridge of the Jos plateau. Another of nature's gift to Plateau State inhabitants and visitors. The waterfall and its immediate environs are legally protected and managed by Plateau State Tourism Corporation. The river also provides the domestic water-supply for villagers in the surrounding area.The vegetation comprises gallery forests surrounded by grasslands. The Assop river, which feeds the picturesque rapids and falls, drains part of the Jos Plateau. The waterfall provides an ideal spot for shooting popular T.V. soap operas , and advertisements.
It is an ideal spot for picnicking, rock climbing and even swimming. The peaceful environment provides atmosphere in which one can relax while in awe of nature's wonder
Also in Assop Falls, there are places to cool off with a beer, or get something else to munch on. Assop falls is a popular truck stop area, and where drivers take a break, there is plenty of food to eat. Stop by and check it out. Assop Falls is perhaps, the most notable of Nigerian many waterfalls.
Owu falls is located in Ifelodun Local government area of Kwara State. It is the highest and most spectacular natural water fall in West Africa, and The water fall represents one of the symbol of nature which its existence is untraceable, but can only be appreciated and promoted by exploring.
The water fall is 120m above water level and cascades 330 feet down an escarpment with rocky out crops to a pool of ice cold water below. The water falls is surrounded with a beautiful natural ambience and hills which makes sightseeing a memorable experience. The waterfall which is at its best during the rainy season is characterized with fall of ice cold water, beautiful rocky part and walk ways, and evergreen surrounding.
Awhum waterfall is situated at Amaugwe village of Awhum town in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. It is 30 metres high and is located close to Awhum Monastery. Awhum is a valley town surrounded by rolling grassy hills, valleys and several caves. The caves in particular make Awhum's beauty unique.
This beautiful Awhum waterfall is as a result of massive outcrop of granite rock with water tumbling over the top forming a stream.
A section of the waterfall is always warm through the season. The water is said to be curative (have healing power) and capable of dispelling evil or satanic forces if and wherever sprinkled. For these reasons the falls have become a place of Christian pilgrimage and a prayer centre. The waterfall and cave are a 45 minute walk from the car park.
Ngwo cave and waterfalls is in Enugu State South East of Nigeria. The Ngwo Cave has been naturally sculpted in limestone rocks and is bedecked by an enchanting waterfall dropping down from a small opening at the roof of the cave. The fall forms a shallow pool at the cave floor and flows out as a small stream.Trekking to the Ngwo Cave requires navigating your way through the large cluster of trees at the beautiful Ngwo Pine Forest, sharp twists and turns along the stone-paved track, as the route slants downward. The valley floor is tiled by a gently flowing stream of limpid spring waters. A barefooted trek upstream in the water leads into a dark cleft at the end of the valley.
A narrow but high opening leads into the crevice and the loud splashing of the waters of the raging crystal clear waters announces your arrival.
Just behind the big mass of rock in which the cave is emplaced, we find more caves carefully tucked into the rock, some within reach and others needing a good climb to access. The water fall also has warm and hot water that comes out together from one source
In addition there are many several resorts and hotels that provide good accommodation to tourists/travelers who come to visit these beautiful caves and waterfalls in the beautiful coal city of Enugu.
Arinta waterfalls in Ipole-Iloro Ekiti state is located about 10 km from the Ikogosi warm springs in the same Ekiti West LGA of Ekiti State.
Olumo rock one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nigeria, West Africa, sits in the ancient city center of Abeokuta – a name which means “Under the rock” Abeokuta is just about an hours drive from the bustling metropolitan city of Lagos providing convenient access to an array of hotels, restaurants, clubs, casinos and various nightlife activities. A trip to Olumo rock usually commences with a climb up the man-made stairs carved into the rock.
While this sounds easy enough, it leaves many breathless and ready to take a break to rest on the benches under the trees growing from the rock and enjoy some clean breeze. The journey continues with climbs on irregularly sized rocks through a narrow corridor that leads to the top of the rock. All along the way, catch sights of carvings in the rock, cowrie-studded statues and the ancient abode of the priestesses who live in huts on the rock. And yes, it is not uncommon to catch a sight of the very aged women who live there and mutter greetings or blessings as people make their way through.
It is often helpful to enlist the services of a guide who possess vast knowledge of the history of the rock and the culture of the people. This makes for an interesting climb as every twist and turn will reveal a significant story making the trip a truly memorable one. On the way back down the rock, the sight of the Ogun river running like a silver chain amidst a forest of aged red corrugated roofs bordered by thick green forests which melt into the horizon is breathtaking. Infrastructure of the site to include a new museum, restaurants, water fountain and an elevator that will provide even the climbing-challenged a wonderful view of the surrounding city.
Zuma Rock is a large monolith which looks more like a small mountain. Located not in Abuja as most people think but in Niger State of Nigeria. North of Nigeria's capital Abuja, along the main road from Abuja to Kaduna, and is sometimes referred to as "Gateway to Abuja." and the symbol of Abuja, or even Nigeria. The big rock is depicted on the country's 100 naira bill.
It is most recognized because of the face of a person on the monolith, and locals believe that due to the human face, the rock has mysterious powers.
It has been called Nigeria's answer to Australia's Uluru (Ayers Rock). Although only one-third as wide as Uluru. Zuma Rock is more than twice as high from its base, rising 725 meters above its surroundings. A wonderful sight to behold.
Man's quest for good living and relaxation in insatiable. For this reason great stride has been taken on all fronts by man to create some man made sites to mimic nature just to maximize good times. Some of these man made sites include the resorts, ranches. Rayfield Holiday Resorts in Jos, the Bower's Tower in Ibadan and various amusement parks that dots the length and breadth of Nigeria's major towns and cities.
Kura Falls is located some 77 km South-East of Jos. It is an exotic, man-made waterfalls. The falls came to being as a result of activities of tin mining in the area. The falls is home to Plateau State’s first hydroelectric power station (National Electric Supply Company NESCO), well known for its breath-taking scenery.
A fascinating and exciting place to visit in Jos, Plateau State. It has a pleasant climate suitable for people who cherish beauty and pleasant environment. With its rocks, hills and lakes the whole area is ideal for boating, camping, and rock climbing. Within the vicinity is an International Youth Centre, where accommodation is available for tourists.
Beach and holiday resort.
Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos.
Leisure resort.
Lekki, Lagos
Serene and exclusive beach exclusively for lovers of privacy.
Victoria Island, Lagos.
Hermitage Resort, secluded resort on the Lekki/Ajah penninsular, Haastade
Suites. Lekki, Lagos
Canoeing, hiking, hunting, ocean water fishing, etc.
Ikeja, Lagos.
Gymnasium, Table tennis, Water/swimming park, Curio Shop,
Games arcade etc.
Obanliku Local Government Area, Cross River State.
Games, Swimming, Leisure.
Cross River State.
Leisure and conference Facility,
Ajilete, Ota, Lagos.
Beach and Holiday Resort,
Conference resort centre occupying an 8-acre track of land in
Conference resort centre occupying an 8-acre track of land in
Iworo, Badagry Local Government Area. , Lagos.
Holiday Resorts, Night life entertainment, Tourist attractions, Hotel facilities.
Rayfield street, Jos, Plateau State.
Highest hilltop in the city. The Tower has about 47 spiral staircase on the
home of Ibadan’s illustrious Generalissimos,
Wonderland Amusement Park and Resort is situated in the heart of Abuja . An ultra modern world class recreation centre, the first and the biggest most equipped amusement park in the whole of Nigeria .It has an area of approximately 330,000 square metres.
The park has leisure gardens for relaxation, games and rides for all ages, a restaurant called the Fulani Ranch, which provides continental Mediterranean and African cuisines; there are cafeterias and shops all over the place for visitors' satisfaction.
Some of cafes include the Forest cafe and the Shisha Hut , each offering foods with unique and delicious tastes. Some of the shops include the Fountain Shop, One of the many relaxation spots in Wonderland is the Fountain square , with a beautiful view. Wonderland also has an elaborate arcade building called the Fun city Arcade . The park has convenience facilities (Toilets), a clinic centre for emergencies in case of minor injuries from accidents, and an administrative block for complaints and enquiries. Wonderland Amusement park is the place to be, because it is a family oriented park.
Dreamland Abuja, is Nigeria's premier waterfall theme park and is situated in the heart of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja, right opposite the prestigious Transcorp Hilton hotel, and bounded by the seat of government (Three Arms Zone) and the biggest Golf Course in Nigeria, the IBB Golf Club. The plot is an expansive 6.3 hectares (63,000 Sqm) of beautifully landscaped lawns within the popular Millennium Park. The Resort/Park serves as a family outdoor Sporting and Recreational Park for visitors and inhabitants of Abuja.
The park is design to complement nature through environment friendly structures and on any given day, has the capacity to attracts and entertain as many as 2000 picnic makers (who are out to enjoy the serenity and ambience of the environment) and others who are there to make use of the park for various recreational activities. On festive occasions and public holidays, the park hosts about 2000 to 5000 fun seekers. This makes the site a perfect location for an indoor/outdoor recreational/leisure facility and family park.
Maitama amusement park is one of Nigeria's largest park covering 18 hectares of land in the highbrow area of Maitama, The magical world of Amusement Park, where the fun and excitement begins and ends.
Maitama amusement park provides a quick get away for Abuja residents and visitors with a selection of restaurants, swings, merry go rounds , slides and even bumper boats, depending on the ages of your kids. Once again, welcome to Abuja's only world class leisure facility. Only Maitama Amusement Park has it all: Strong Man, Video Arcade, Food Court, Roller-skating, Perimeter trains.
The park provides leisure gardens for relaxation, games and rides for all ages. It could be a tonic for fun-seekers, fatigued and depressed souls in search of refreshing and rejuvenating relaxation.
Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, is normally a natural tourist attraction.
Over the years the city has held tenaciously to those features that are reminiscence of the famous old Oyo empire. Fun-seekers in their thousands flocks recreation centres, eateries and bars to catch some fun on weekends and public holidays. Top on the list of the recreation centres frequently visited is Trans Amusement Park (TAP), near the University of Ibadan.
Trans Amusement Park is primarily founded on the desire to provide an atmosphere for the individual, group, family and corporate body that longs for natural quiet and a peaceful place, which cannot be found anywhere else in the ancient city of Ibadan and its environs. It is a tourist haven, with a vision to create a new dimension in Nigeria’s leisure, tourism and hospitality.
This circular park was constructed in memory of General Murtala Muhammad, Nigeria's one-time Military Head of State who was assassinated on February 13, 1976 in an abortive military putsch, The Bendel state government at that time decided to immortalize General Muhammad for the laudable role he played in the liberation of the former Midwestern state now split into Edo and Delta states from the forced occupation of the State by rebel Biafran forces on September 20, 1967. Ramat park is at the intersection of Benin/Auchi and Benin/Agbor roads with a remarkably life-like bronze bust of the late head of State on a pedestal. Here is a well-maintained flora and park-seat for leisure-seekers. The park opens from 7.30am to 8.00p.m daily. It also houses the Ikpoba Okha Local Government Council Marriage Registry.
This circular park was constructed in memory of General Murtala Muhammad, Nigeria's one-time Military Head of State who was assassinated on February 13, 1976 in an abortive military putsch, The Bendel state government at that time decided to immortalize General Muhammad for the laudable role he played in the liberation of the former Midwestern state now split into Edo and Delta states from the forced occupation of the State by rebel Biafran forces on September 20, 1967. Ramat park is at the intersection of Benin/Auchi and Benin/Agbor roads with a remarkably life-like bronze bust of the late head of State on a pedestal. Here is a well-maintained flora and park-seat for leisure-seekers. The park opens from 7.30am to 8.00p.m daily. It also houses the Ikpoba Okha Local Government Council Marriage Registry.
Arochukwu Caves (Natural/ Physical attraction)
National War Museum, Umuahia (Monument)
Akwette Weaving Centre Arts and Crafts (Souvenirs)
Long juju of Arochukwu (Traditional)
Azumini Bule River (Natural/ Man-made)
Museum of Colonial History (Monument)
Sukur (UNESCO World Monument Heritage Site)
Lamurde Hot Spring (Natural/ Physical)
Modibbo Adam's Tomb (Monument)
Three Sister Rocks (Monument)
Mandara Mountains (Natural/ Physical)
Kiri Dam (Natural/Physical)
Ibeno Sand Beach (Natural/ man-made)
Ekpo Masquerade (Cultural festival)
Oron Museum (Museum/ Monument)
Mary Slessor House (Monument/ Tomb).
Ogbunike Caves (Natural/Physical)
Rojeny Tourist Village (Man-made)
Mmanwu Festival (Cultural festival)
Agudu lake (Gully/ Natural)
Aguleri Game Reserve (Eco-Tourism)
Igbo Ukwu Archaelogical Monuments Reservations.
Marshal Caves (Natural)
Yankari Natural Park (Natural)
Wikki Warm Spring (Natural)
Tafawa Balewa (Tomb/ Monument)
Lame/Bura Game (Wildlife/Eco- Reserve Tourism)
Geji Rock Painting (Monuments)
Oloibiri Oil Museum (Museum/ Monument)
Slale Transit Hall (Resort/Man-made)
Igidi Shrine (Cultural)
Ushongo Hills (Natural/Physical)
Ikwe Holiday Resort (Natural/Man-made)
Enemabia Warm Spring (Natural)
Kwag-hir (Puppet Festival, Cultural)
Dajo Pottery, Makurdi (Traditional)
TIV Anger Weavers, (Monument)
J.S. Tarka Foundation Cultural Centre (Culture)
Montane Game Reserve (Wildlife/ Eco- Tourism)
The Rare Manatee (Natural)
Katsina-Ala River (Natural)
Laffy falls, Kuya (Natural)
Chad Basin National Park (Eco-Tourism)
Abba Kari Zoo, Maiduguri- (Eco-Tourism)
Gwoza Hills (Natural/ Physical)
Sambisa Game Reserve (Wildlife/Eco- Tourism)
Kyarimi Amusement Park (Resort/Man-made).
Kwa falls, Kuya (Natural/ Eco-Tourism)
Agbokim falls, Ikom (Natural/ Eco-Tourism)
Obudu Cattle Ranch Resort (Man- made)
Coercopan Ishie Close, zoo Calabar (Natural/ Wildlife)
Cross River National Park (Eco-Tourism/ Wildlife)
Drill Ranch, Calabar Zoo (Natural/ Wildlife)
Ekpe Masquerade (Cultural Festival)
National Museum (Traditional/ Monument)
Rock with foot prints (National Monument)
Chief Nana's Palace (Cultural/ Traditional)
Koko Port (Natural/Man-made)
Escravo's Beach (Natural/Man-made)
Grand Hotel, Asaba Beach Front. (Natural/ Man-made)
Iwu Traditional Festival, Ubulu-Uku (Tradition/ Culture/ Festival)
Umuana Afikpo Golden Natural Lake Sand Beach.
Fugar Caves (Natural/ Physical)
Okomu Natural Park (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism Sanctuary)
Igwe Festival Benin (Cultural Festival)
Igun Bronze Casting, Benin City (Souvenir/Cultural)
Oba's Palace, Benin Monument/ Cultural)
Ramat Park (Man-made/ Monument)
Sakponba Holiday Resort (Man-made Resort)
Asoro Shrine (Cultural/ Traditional Rel.)
Samorikal Hills (Physical/ Physical).
Erinta Falls (Natural/ Eco-tourism)
Olosunta Hills, Ikere (Physical/ Natural)
Ikogosi, Warm Spring (Natural/ Eco-tourism).
Mmanwu Festival (Cultural/Traditional Festival)
Nike Holiday Resort (Natural/Man-made)
Ezeagu Tourist Complex (Man-made)
Nkalagu Silicon Sand (Physical/ Natural)
Uzo-Uwani Natural Nature's Wonder (Natural)
Iva Valley Coal Mine (Natural).
Awhum waterfall (Physical/ Natural)
15. FCT (Federal Capital Territory).
Abuja Amusement Park, Zone 1, Wuse (Resort/Man-made)
Abuja Gardens, Central Area (Resort/man-made)
Abuja Zoological Garden, Zoo Area 1, Garki (Wildlife/ Man-made)
Aso/ Zuma Rock (Physical/Natural)
Usman Dam (Man-made)
IBB Golf Course (Sports Tourism)
Jabi Dam and Holiday (Man-made/Resort).
Tula Highlands/Hills (Natural/ Physical)
The Famous Tangale Dome Shaped Rock/Hill Formation (Physical/ Natural)
Buba Yero Tomb (Monument)
Oguta Lake Holiday Resort (Natural/ Man-made)
Ikeji Festival, Arondizogu (Cultural/ Festival)
Palm Beach Holiday Resort (Natural/ Man-made)
Awo-Amana (Man-made/Natural)
Zoological and Botanical Garden Nekede (Wildlife/ Man-made)
Amusement Park (Man-made)
Owerri Zoo (Wildlife/ Man-made).
Hadejia/Ngum Wetlands and Bird Sanctuary (Natural/ Eco-Tourism/Wildlife)
Binin Kudu Rock Painting (Natural/ Man-made)
Ringim Dyeing Pits (Cultural)
Baturiya Birds Sanctuary (Wildlife/ Natural)
Wowan Rafi Lake (Natural/ Eco-Tourism).
Luggard Hall and Government House (Monument)
General Hassan Usman Park (Man-made)
Nok Terra Cotta, Nok Village (Cultural)
National Museum (Museum/ Monument)
Emir of Zazzau's Palace, Zaria (Cultural)
Jakaranda Pottery, Kaduna (Souvenir).
Roxy Amusement Park, Airport Road, Kano (Man-made)
Cooky Amusement Park, Kano (Man-made)
Hills and Valleys Amusement Park, Kano (Man-made)
Bagauda Lake/Tiga Lake Resort (Man-made)
Audu Bako Zoo, Kano (Man-made)
Kano Salla Durbar (Cultural Festival)
Gidan Makama Museum (Monument/ Museum)
Emir of Kano's Palace (Cultural/ Monument)
Kofar Mata Dyeing Pit, Kano (Cultural)
Bagauda Lake Resort Conference Centre, Kano (Man-made/Business Tourism).
300 years old Gobarau Minaret Katsina (Monument/ Cultural)
10th Century Kusugu Well, Daura (Monument/ Cultural)
Emir of Katsina Palace (Cultural/ Tradition)
11th Century Katsina City Walls of 7 gates (Monument/Cultural)
Jibia Holiday Resort, Jibia (Resort/ Man-made).
Argungu Fishing Festival (Natural/Physical)
Kanta Museum, Argungu (Museum/ Monument)
Girmace Shrine, Zuru (Cultural/Traditional Religion)
Ita-Okueta Weaving, Okene (Cultural)
Ata Igala's Palace, Idah (Cultural)
Inikpi (Shrine) Statue Idah Tradition/ Cultural)
Kpata Rock, Bassa (Physical/ Natural)
Confluence Zone, Lokoja (Natural)
Relics of Colonial History, Lokoja (Natural)
Lord Luggard's Residence & Office, Lokoja (Monument)
Warlord War Cenotaph (Monument)
Iron of Liberty (Monument)
Owu Water Falls, Owa Kajola (Natural/ Physical)
Wreckage of Mungo Park Boat, Jebba (Monument)
Owe Kajita Falls (Natural/ Physical)
Owu Water Falls, Owu Natural/ Physical)
Tomb of Past Emirs, Ilorin (Monument)
Ubo Aiyegunle Lakes (Physical)
Bar Beach, Lagos (Physical/ Man-made)
Badagry Beach, Lagos (Physical/ Man-made)
Kaiyetoro Maiyegun Beach (Physical/ Man-made)
Eleko Beach (Physical/ Man-made)
Lekki Peninsula (Physical/Man-made)
Tarkwa Bay, Lagos (Physical/ Man-made)
Water Parks, Toyin Street, Ikeja (Man-made Resort)
Apapa Amusement Park (Resort/ Man-made)
Frankid Leisure Park, Festac (Resort/ Man-made)
Whispering Palms, Iworo, Badagry (Physical/ Man-made)
Lekki Conservation Centre (Man-made)
National Museum, Onikan (Museum/ Monument)
Slave Relics Badagry (Monument)
First Storey Building In Nigeria, Badagry (Monument)
National Theatre, Iganmu (Man-made)
Oba's Palace, Lagos (Cultural)
Igbo Igunun, (Tradition/ Cultural)
Peperuwa Lake (Physical/Eco-Tourism)
Late Captain Maloney (Tomb/ Monument Hills)
Oku Akpa Picnic Centre (Physical)
Ogan Fishing and Cultural (Cultural Festival)
Akiri Warm Spring with Curative Power in Awe L.G.A. (Cultural)
Akiri Salt Village, Lafia Town (Natural)
Doma Dam, Doma L.G.A. (Eco-Tourism)
Dyeing Pits and Calabash Carving, Lafia. (Cultural/ Souvenir Arts & Crafts)
Hunki Ox-Bow Lake, Awe L.G.A. (Sourvenir/ Crafts)
Farin Ruwa Falls (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Keana Salt Village, Keana L.G.A.( Arts & Crafts/ Souvenir)
Numan Rocks, Akwanga L.G.A. (Physical)
Ara Rocks (Natural/ Physical)
Eggon Hills and Caves (Cultural/ Physical)
Keffi Hunting (Festival/ Cultural) Feb/April
Gurara Falls, Gurara LGA (Natural/ Physical)
Zuma Rock, Near Suleija (Natural/ Physical)
Kainji Lake National Park (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Brass/ Glass Works, Bida (Arts & Crafts/ Souvenirs)
Shirro Dam Tourist Resort (Natural/Man-made)
Mayanka Water Falls (Natural/ Physical).
Adire Market, Itoko Abeokuta (Tradition/ Cultural)
Olumo Rock, Abeokuta (Physical/ Natural)
Birikisu Sungbo Shrine (Cultural/ Religious Attractions)
Obute-Oni Tourist Beach (Natural)
Ancient Palace of the Cultural/ Alake of Egbaland (Monument)
Ogunde Theatre Centre (Man-made/Monument).
Idanre Hills, Idanre (Physical)
Owo Museum (Monument)
Ipale Iloro Water Fall (Physical).
Mat Weaving, Ipetu-Ilesha (Arts & Crafts / Souvenir)
Ooni's Palace, Ile-Ife( Monument/ Cultural)
Ife Museum, Enuwa, Ile-Ife (Monument/ Museum)
Osun Osogbo Festival/ Shrine Trad./Religious Study Centre (Cultural)
Ife Bronze, Ile-Ife (Physical)
Oramiyan Staff, Ile-Ife (Cultural/ Souvenir).
Igbeti Hills, Igbeti (Physical/ Natural)
Trans Amusement Park, Ibadan (Man-made Resort)
Captain Bower, Tower, Ibadan (Monument)
Agodi Gardens, Ibadan (Man-made)
Old Oyo National Park (Wildlife/ Eco-Toursim)
University of Ibadan Zoo/ Zoological Garden (Wildlife/ Man-made)
Alaafin of Oyo's Palace (Cultural)
Calabash Carving (Cultural/ Souvenir)
Ado-Awage Suspended Lake (Natural)
Aso Oke Weaving, Iseyin (Traditional/ Souvenir).
Assop Falls, Rivom LGA (Physical)
Shere Hills, Near Jos (Physical)
Riyom Rock Formation, Rivom (Physical/ Natural)
International Youth Tourism Centre, Kurra Falls (Physical/ Man-made)
Rayfield Resort, Jos (Man-made Resort)
Heleena Farms, Liberty Dam (Physical/ Man-made)
Jos Wildlife Park (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Jos Zoo/ Museum (Wildlife/ Monument)
Naraguta Leather Works, Arts & Crafts/ Naraguta (Souvenirs)
Solomon Lar Amusement Park (Man-made).
Isaac Boro Park, Port Harcourt (Man-made/ Monument)
Monument of King Jaja of Opobo (Monument)
Okrika Aquatic Stadium (Man-made)
Ifoko Beach, Ifoko (Physical)
Port Harcourt Tourist Beach (Physical)
Tomb of Usman Dan Fodio, Sokoto (Monument)
Sultan's Palace, Sokoto (Cultural)
Sokoto Museum (Monument).
Durban festival (Cultural Festival).
Mambilla Holiday Resort, Gembu (Man-made)
Gashaka-Gumti National Park (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Mamara Crocodile Pond (National Reserve)
Kpambo and Fikiyu Mysterious Rocks (Natural / Physical).
Dufuna Canoe, Damaturu (Discovery/ Monument)
Hadejia Nguru Bird Life Project (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Gujba Forest Reserve (Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism)
Fika Ancient Town, Fika (Monument)
Bula Tura Oases, Nguru (Natural)
Mai Madrinama's Palace (Traditional/ Cultural).
Kalele Hippo Pools, Maru LGA (Natural/ Wildlife/ Eco-Tourism).
The Iwu Festival is one of the numerous festivals celebrated by Ubulu-uku people of Aniocha south local government area of Delta state. The purpose of this festival is for the purification of the land. It also serves to express gratitude to the gods for abundant harvest reaped at the season. It serves as neutralizing agent, by appealing to the gods for forgiveness and reconcile the community back to the gods for all the evils committed within the year thereby ushering in a new beginning. It is in view of this cleansing of the land that makes it possible for the land to experience prosperity which is the chief motive of celebrating the festival. It is a week long festival that begins with the a 5 day peace period when it is forbidden to make loud noise. No fighting, no quarrels. This period is traditionally known as (Isime-Iwu). The festival is greeted with loud noise after the lifting of the embargo on the evening of the fifth day This is known as (Ishotu-iwu) which is announced by a native gun-shot. This merriment continues throughout the night till the next day which is the climax of the celebration. The people move en-mass to the Obi's palace where there will be dances of various kinds and traditional wrestling bouts by the young men. In the olden days young men get their wives during such wrestling bouts. Visitors are free to enter home and will be served foods and drinks happily. Ubulu-uku is widely known for their marvelous palm-wine. It is a wonderful festival to behold.
Nice blog and quite educative.
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